首页> 外文期刊>Marine Mammal Science >Spatial distribution and aggregation ofXenobalanus globicipitison the flukes of striped dolphins,Stenella coeruleoalba: An indicator of host hydrodynamics?

Spatial distribution and aggregation ofXenobalanus globicipitison the flukes of striped dolphins,Stenella coeruleoalba: An indicator of host hydrodynamics?

机译:Xenobalanus globicipitison的空间分布和聚集在条纹海豚中,Stenella Coeruleoalba:宿主流体动力学的指标?

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We analyzed patterns of aggregation and spatial distribution of the epizoic barnacleXenobalanus globicipitison the flukes of Mediterranean striped dolphins,Stenella coeruleoalba, assessing its potential use as an indicator of the host's hydrodynamics based on data from 55 dolphins. Barnacles occurred along the trailing edge with the cirri oriented towards the oncoming flow. Nearest neighbor analyses suggested that new recruits actively seek placement next to already settled barnacles, forming aggregations possibly to facilitate copulation. The probability of spanwise settlement strongly increased with fluke width (presumably enabling prolonged leading-edge vorticity), and with chordwise length where pressure is predicted to be positive. Consequently, clustering tended to increase nonlinearly towards the fluke notch. Furthermore, it was three times more likely for barnacles to occur on the dorsal vs. ventral side of flukes, at an average abundance ca. 12 times higher. This difference could result from a host's asymmetric oscillation of the tail, which would alter leading-edge vorticity, and/or an interaction between the wake produced by the dorsal fin and the flow associated with flukes. Both processes could primarily enhance cyprid contact and/or attachment on the dorsal side. This study offers a starting point for future comparison with other cetaceans.
机译:我们分析了癫痫发作的膨胀和空间分布模式,即地中海条纹海豚,Stenella Coeruleoalba的氟尿嘧啶,基于来自55只海豚的数据评估其作为主机流体动力学的指标的潜在用途。藤壶沿着后缘发生,循环朝向迎面而来的流动。最近的邻居分析表明,新招聘旁边正在寻求已经解决的雄鹿旁的展示位置,形成了可能促进交配的聚集。使用氟宽(可能是长时间的前缘涡度)和曲线长度预测阳性的脉冲沉降的概率强烈增加。因此,聚类倾向于非线性地向侥幸缺口增加。此外,在普遍丰富的CA中,伯克斯的背部与腹侧发生在禽流孔的腹侧的可能性是三倍。更高12倍。该差异可能是由宿主的不对称振荡来产生的,这将改变前沿涡度,和/或由背鳍产生的尾部之间的相互作用和与氟脆群相关的流动。这两个过程主要可以增强Cyprid接触和/或背侧附件。本研究提供了与其他鲸类的未来比较的起点。



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