首页> 外文期刊>Mammalia: Morphologie, Biologie Systematique des Mammiferes. >Social organization of an endangered subtropical species, Eumops floridanus, the Florida bonneted bat

Social organization of an endangered subtropical species, Eumops floridanus, the Florida bonneted bat


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Many Chiropteran species are gregarious, yet much remains to be learned about details of the sociality of most species. This is especially true for the endangered Eumops floridanus (Florida bonneted bat). Scant knowledge of the species’ natural history and ecological interactions has precluded the development of effective conservation strategies. We investigated several aspects of the social organization of E. floridanus roosting in bat houses in southwest Florida: group size, group composition, group stability, and seasonality of reproduction. Our findings suggest the species has characteristics more common to tropical bat species than temperate ones. The average roost size was 10 individuals, with colonies in a harem social structure all three times in the year they were assessed. Adults were much more likely than sub-adults to be recaptured at the same roosts during subsequent capture sessions. We suggest that the availability and distribution of roosts may alter the social structure of these bats and ultimately limit local populations. We did not find evidence of a distinct seasonal birthing period matching that of other temperate bat species. Results suggests the species is aseasonally polyestrous, making non-volant E. floridanus vulnerable to disturbance across a larger portion of the year than other bat species in the US.
机译:许多脊髓植绒物种都是艰苦的,但仍有许多物种社会性的细节仍有待了的遗体。对于濒临灭绝的烟草佛罗里达州(佛罗里达帽子蝙蝠)尤其如此。对物种的自然历史和生态互动的味道知识禁止发展有效的保护策略。我们调查了佛罗里达州西南部蝙蝠房子E.Floridanus Roosting的社会组织的几个方面:团体规模,组成,群体稳定和繁殖的季节性。我们的研究结果表明,物种对热带蝙蝠物种具有比温带更常见的特点。平均栖息大小为10人,在哈伦社会结构中殖民地在一年中被评估。在随后的捕获会议期间,成年人比亚成年人在同一栖息地重新获得。我们建议栖息地的可用性和分配可能会改变这些蝙蝠的社会结构,最终限制当地人口。我们没有发现证据表明与其他温带蝙蝠种类的不同季节分娩期。结果表明,物种大致多种多组,使非含量的E. Floridanus易受在美国其他蝙蝠种类的较大部分上的扰动。



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