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A relational framework for investigating nexus governance


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Based on the assumption that the water, energy and food sectors are linked, the nexus concept drives research into the integration of governance systems. Nexus governance requires actors to engage across policy domains, governance levels and public, private and civic spheres. There is a need for a better understanding of how stakeholders navigate the inter-organisational networks constituting a given nexus. In this article, we present a three-dimensional relational framework and corresponding methods for investigating nexus governance. Drawing on mixed-methods network research with organisations implementing water, energy, agricultural and environmental policies in the Upper Blue Nile basin of Ethiopia, we demonstrate how our framework for investigating network structure, relations and narratives can inform a relational understanding of nexus governance.
机译:基于水,能源和食品部门所挂钩的假设,Nexus概念将研究转化为治理系统的整合。 Nexus治理需要参与者参与政策领域,治理水平和公共,私人和公民领域。 有必要更好地了解利益相关者如何导航构成给定Nexus的组织间网络。 在本文中,我们提出了一种三维关系框架和用于调查Nexus治理的相应方法。 借鉴埃塞俄比亚上蓝尼罗河盆地的水,能源,农业和环境政策的组织与组织的网络研究,我们展示了我们对网络结构,关系和叙述的框架如何提供通知对Nexus治理的关系。



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