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Cohort study of operative delivery in the second stage of labour and standard of obstetric care.


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To assess the maternal and neonatal morbidity following operative delivery in the second stage of labour in relation to the standard of obstetric care.Cohort study.Maternity units in two teaching hospitals in Bristol, United Kingdom.Three hundred and ninety-three women with term, singleton, cephalic pregnancies who required operative delivery in theatre at full dilatation between February 1999 and February 2000.Morbidity was compared for completed instrumental delivery, failed instrumental delivery and immediate caesarean section in relation to duration of second stage of labour, number of pulls at attempted instrumental delivery, number of instruments used and operator experience.Maternal trauma, admission to special care baby unit, neonatal trauma.Failed instrumental delivery after a long second stage of labour was associated with increased maternal trauma (adjusted odds ratios [OR] 4.1, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.1, 16.5). More than three pulls at attempted instrumental delivery was associated with increased neonatal trauma for completed (adjusted OR 4.2, 95% CI 1.6, 9.5) and failed deliveries (adjusted OR 7.2, 95% CI 2.1, 24.0). Babies delivered after failed instrumental delivery with more than three pulls were at increased risk of admission to special care baby unit (adjusted OR 6.2, 95% CI 1.6, 22.8) The use of multiple instruments was associated with increased neonatal trauma (adjusted OR 3.1, 95% CI 1.5, 6.8; adjusted OR 4.4, 95% CI 1.3, 14.4, for completed and failed deliveries, respectively). Excessive pulls and multiple instrument use were associated with an initial attempt at vaginal delivery by an inexperienced operator, 25/48 (52%) and 34/75 (45%).Guidelines for safe operative delivery in the second stage of labour should be developed and adhered to in order to reduce morbidity, particularly neonatal trauma.
机译:评估与产科护理标准相关的第二产程手术分娩后的母婴患病率。队列研究。英国布里斯托尔两所教学医院的产妇单位。三百九十三名足月妇女,于1999年2月至2000年2月在全口径手术室手术分娩的单例头胎妊娠,比较了第二工期持续时间,尝试拉动次数与完全器械分娩,器械分娩失败和立即剖腹产的发病率器械分娩,使用的器械数量和操作员经验。母亲的创伤,进入特殊护理的婴儿病房,新生儿创伤。长时间分娩后的器械分娩失败与母亲的创伤增加有关(调整后的优势比[OR] 4.1,95 %置信区间[CI] 1.1,16.5)。试图进行器械分娩的三次以上牵拉与完成(调整后的OR 4.2、95%CI 1.6、9.5)和分娩失败(调整后的OR 7.2、95%CI 2.1、24.0)的新生儿创伤增加相关。器械分娩失败超过三倍后分娩的婴儿,进入特殊护理婴儿病房的风险增加(调整为OR 6.2,95%CI 1.6,22.8)使用多种器械会增加新生儿创伤(调整为OR 3.1, 95%CI 1.5、6.8;已调整OR 4.4、95%CI 1.3、14.4,分别针对已完成和失败的交付)。经验不足的操作者首次尝试阴道分娩时过度拉扯和多用器械的比例分别为25/48(52%)和34/75(45%)。应制定安全的分娩第二阶段指南并坚持以减少发病率,尤其是新生儿创伤。



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