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Effect of Weed Control Measures in Jute Under Terai Zone of West Bengal, India


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Jute is a major each crop in the terai zone of West Bengal covering more 0.15 million hectares of eropped area. High occurrence of pre-monsoon showers coupled with high humidity results in huge weed growth and farmers have to go for a huge expenditurefor controlling weeds through hand weeding. An on farm trial has been carried out for two consecutive years to evaluate cost-effective and eco-friendly weed control measures in jute. The experiment was laid out in a randomized block design (RBD) with 12replicates and straw mulch after thinning as well as application of post-emergence herbicides was assessed against the farmers' practice of manual weeding only. Application of quizalofop ethyl 5% @ 50 g a.i. ha~(-1) at 15-20 days after sowing (DAS) followed by one hand weeding at 35-40 DAS was found to be more effective in controlling the weed population than hand weeding only or straw mulching as reflectd from lesser weed dry matter production (11.58 g nr2) with increased height (306 cm) and basal diameter (12.63 mm)leading to higher fiber yield (3.261 ha~(-1)) Similarly, the highest net return (Rs 65,600.00 and Rs 37,920.00 during 2010 and 2011, respectively) and benefit-cost ratio (3.99 and 2.64 during 2010 and 2011, respectively) were also recorded with herbicides treated plots.
机译:黄麻是西孟加拉邦泰国泰国区的主要各作物,涵盖更多的eropped地区150万公顷。高季风淋浴与高湿度的高次震动导致巨大的杂草生长和农民必须通过手中杂草控制杂草的巨大支出。在连续两年进行了一个关于农业审判,以评估黄麻的成本效益和生态友好的杂草控制措施。该实验在随机块设计(RBD)中被奠定了12种重种和稻草覆盖物,并在出苗后除草剂进行了评估,仅针对农民的手工杂草的实践。 Quizalofop乙醇的应用5%@ 50g A.I. HA〜(1)在播种(DAS)后15-20天后,随后在35-40次DAS的杂草中被发现在控制杂草种群中比手除杂草或稻草覆盖物更有效,因为从较小的杂草干燥的反射物质生产(11.58克NR2),高度增加(306厘米)和基底直径(12.63mm),导致纤维产率较高(3.261 HA〜(-1)),净净回报最高(2010年65,600.00和37,920.00卢比除草剂处理的地块,还记录了2011年,分别为2011年益处成本比(分别为2010年和2011年的2.64份)。



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