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Environmental Policy in the Wake of Indonesia's Fourth Industrial Revolution


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Through the momentum of its 73rd Independence Day, the Republic of Indonesia is expected to enable all Indonesian people to return to the ideals of independence recorded in the 1945 Constitution of Republic of Indonesia. "National development" - a series of activities covering the whole life of the people of the nation and the State - is expected to carry out the mandates of the 1945 Constitution; that is, "to protect the whole nation and the whole blood of Indonesia to promote the general welfare, the intellectual life of the nation, based on independence, eternal peace and social justice of the State". From the Old Order (Orde Lama/Orla) and the New Order {Orde Baru/Orba), this Reformation continues to promote better welfare and progress. In thiscase, national development must originate with, and be conducted by and for, the people. It must be implemented across various aspects of the life of the nation, including environmental, political, economic, social, cultural, defence and security aspects.
机译:通过第73届独立日的势头,预计印度尼西亚共和国将使所有印度尼西亚人民恢复到1945年印度尼西亚共和国宪法中记录的独立理想。 “国家发展” - 有一系列活动,涵盖全国人民的一生和国家 - 预计将开展1945年宪法的任务;也就是说,“保护整个国家和印度尼西亚的全血,以促进全国的智力,基于独立,永恒和平与社会正义国家”。从旧订单(ORDE LAMA / ORLA)和新订单{ORDE BARU / ORBA),这种改革继续促进更好的福利和进步。在这个类别中,国家发展必须源自,并由人民进行。必须跨全国生命的各个方面实施,包括环境,政治,经济,社会,文化,防御和安全方面。



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