首页> 外文期刊>BJU international >Cytopathological expression of different types of urothelial carcinoma in situ in urinary bladder washings.

Cytopathological expression of different types of urothelial carcinoma in situ in urinary bladder washings.


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OBJECTIVE: To evaluate and compare the cytopathological expression of the five major histological types of carcinoma in situ (CIS) in urinary bladder washings from patients with flat urothelial lesions. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Seventy-five cases of primary and secondary urothelial CIS with no concomitant tumours, and having tissue and cytological samples, were identified. Biopsies were evaluated based on the consensus classification as: large-cell pleomorphic; large-cell non-pleomorphic; small-cell; clinging; and cancerization of the urothelium. In the cytological classification the 'clinging' category was excluded, as its definition depends on the histological appearance. kappa statistics were used to evaluate the correlation between histopathology and cytology. RESULTS: More than one subtype of CIS could often be identified in both the histological and cytological specimens. Cytology often showed more subtypes than did histopathology. Statistically, there was only a moderate correlation between histopathology and cytology for recognising different patterns. CONCLUSION: Different patterns of CIS can be identified by cytology; it is important for cytologists to be aware of the cytological spectrum of CIS and not to under-diagnose monomorphic, pagetoid (cancerization) and small-cell forms. Studies on treatments for CIS and of the clinical significance of different subtypes of CIS should include both cytopathology and histopathology.
机译:目的:评估并比较扁平尿路上皮病变患者膀胱冲洗液中五种主要组织学类型原位癌(CIS)的细胞病理学表达。材料与方法:确定了75例原发性和继发性尿路上皮CIS,无伴随肿瘤,并具有组织和细胞学样本。根据共有分类将活检评估为:大细胞多形性;大单元非多态性小蜂窝执着和尿路上皮癌。在细胞学分类中,“紧贴”类别被排除在外,因为其定义取决于组织学外观。 kappa统计量用于评估组织病理学和细胞学之间的相关性。结果:在组织学和细胞学标本中经常可以发现一种以上的CIS亚型。细胞学通常比组织病理学显示更多的亚型。从统计学上讲,组织病理学和细胞学之间只有中等程度的相关性才能识别不同的模式。结论:细胞学可鉴定出不同类型的CIS。对于细胞学家而言,重要的是要了解CIS的细胞谱,而不是对单形的,页面状的(癌化)和小细胞形式进行误诊。有关CIS的治疗方法以及CIS不同亚型的临床意义的研究应同时包括细胞病理学和组织病理学。



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