首页> 外文期刊>International journal of technology and design education >The impact of the internet on students' enhancement of cultural aspects in design projects: a case study on interior design graduation projects, University of Dammam, Saudi Arabia

The impact of the internet on students' enhancement of cultural aspects in design projects: a case study on interior design graduation projects, University of Dammam, Saudi Arabia

机译:互联网对学生改进设计项目文化方面的影响 - 以沙特阿拉伯大学达曼大学室内设计毕业项目为例

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The paper explores the impact of the internet on students and their enhancement of their Identity and culture in the world of globalization. It is based on two stages; a theoretical background in the literature that provides criteria for examining the issue of the study. Then, the analytical study is done to the collected data. The paper incorporates two methods of data collection; a questionnaire survey to measure the instructors' perception of how students should reflect the identity and local culture in their projects in the internet era, and statistical analysis of students' implementation of cultural knowledge and identity features in their graduation projects in the new millennium before the usage of internet in the design education in the interval of 2001-2007 and after the usage of internet the interval between 2008 and 2015. Consequently, the paper is designed to generate both statistical quantitative and qualitative data. Despite the apparent impact of Globalization and internet based education on abandoning individual identity, yet it might lead to opening new horizons in front of dealing with cultural identity and heritage with a contemporary vision that integrates with nowadays architecture and at the same time refer to the unique identity.
机译:本文探讨了互联网对学生的影响及其在全球化世界中提高他们的身份和文化。它基于两个阶段;文献中的理论背景,为研究研究问题提供标准。然后,分析研究是对收集的数据进行的。本文包含两种数据收集方法;调查问卷调查,以衡量教师对学生如何在互联网时代的项目中反映其项目的身份和当地文化,以及对学生在新千年之前的毕业项目中实施文化知识和身份特征的统计分析在2001 - 2007年间隔内和2008年至2015年间间隔的环境中使用互联网在设计教育中。因此,本文旨在产生统计量化和定性数据。尽管全球化和互联网教育对放弃个人身份的明显影响,但它可能导致在处理文化身份和遗产前面开辟新的视野,与现在的架构融合,同时有关独特的愿景身份。



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