首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics >Quality Control Techniques in Indian Industries A Case Study

Quality Control Techniques in Indian Industries A Case Study


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Quality control concept is a management philosophy which focuses on the work process and people, with the major concern for satisfying customers and improving the organizational performance. It involves the proper coordination of work processes which allows for continuous improvement in all business units with the aim of meeting or surpassing customer's expectations. It emphasizes on totality of quality in all facets of an organization with the aim of reducing waste and rework to reduce cost and increase efficiency in production. The main objective is to improve the quality the of product and process in an industry. With the help of different kinds of quality control techniques like check sheets, brainstorming, cause and effect diagram, nominal group technique, flow chart, pareto analysis, control chart, statistical process control etc. we find out the major cause of defects and poor quality of products. We take an example of Imperial Auto Industries and all these techniques applied on the industry case to find out reason of the rejection of rubber hose pipes. By using the brainstorming and pareto analysis we find out the root cause of defect wise and part wise rejection of the product. It observed that the major rejection of rubber hose pipe is due to wall thickness oversize. By applying Automatic Extruder RPM Controller and Mandrels with end caps to be procured to avoid excess pushing of hollow on mandrel. Also training to be provided to the concern operators for proper cap setting. By these methods optimum results are obtained. Also with the help of these quality control techniques maximize the quality of product and minimize the rejection. For the purpose of verification of the present results, other published work was also compared.



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