首页> 外文期刊>International journal of health services: planning, administration, evaluation >Politics as an Explanation to the Health Divide in Different Settings: A Comparative Study of England and Ghana

Politics as an Explanation to the Health Divide in Different Settings: A Comparative Study of England and Ghana


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Informed by the theoretical perspective of the political economy of health and in the context of the recommendations of World Health Organization's Commission on Social Determinants of Health, this article examines the political explanations of geographical health inequities in 2 extremely different settings: Ghana and England. Based on the "north-south health divide" in the 2 countries, the article finds that, while the drivers of health inequities in both countries are policy driven, historically situated contextual factors (colonialism in the case of Ghana and deindustrialization in the case of England) offer explanations for health inequities in both countries. We conclude by discussing the importance of paying attention to structural factors such as colonialism for understanding contemporary health inequities in formerly colonized countries such as Ghana.
机译:本文审查了2个极其不同的环境中地理健康不公平的政治解释:加纳和英格兰的地理健康不公平的政治解释:加纳和英格兰的地理卫生不平等的政治解释。 基于2个国家的“南北健康鸿沟”,文章发现,虽然两国卫生机构的司机是政策驱动的,历史位于地区的情境因素(在加纳的情况下殖民主义, 英格兰)提供两国健康不公平的解释。 我们通过讨论将注意力殖民主义的结构因素(如加纳)等殖民国内的殖民主义群体的结构因素(如加纳)的殖民主义因素的重要性结论。



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