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Ebola: Anatomy of an Epidemic


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As of the end of March 2016, the West Africa epidemic of Ebola virus disease (Ebola) had resulted in a total of 28,646 cases, 11,323 of them fatal, reported to the World Health Organization. Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone were most heavily affected, but Ebola cases were exported to several other African and European countries as well as the United States, with limited further transmission, including to healthcare workers. We review the descriptive epidemiology of the outbreak, novel aspects and insights concerning the unprecedented response, scientific observations, and public health implications. The large number of Ebola survivors has highlighted the frequency of persistent symptoms and the possibility of virus persistence in sanctuary sites, sometimes leading to delayed transmission. Although transmission appears to have ceased in 2016, the West Africa Ebola epidemic has profoundly influenced discussions and practice concerning global health security.
机译:截至2016年3月底,西非埃博拉病毒病(埃博拉)的流行病导致了28,646例,其中11,323例致命,向世界卫生组织报告。 几内亚,利比里亚和塞拉利昂受到严重影响,但埃博拉病例出口到其他几个非洲和欧洲国家以及美国,进一步传播有限,包括医疗保健工人。 我们审查了关于前所未有的反应,科学观察和公共卫生影响的爆发,新颖方面和见解的描述性流行病学。 大量埃博拉幸存者突出了持续症状的频率和病毒持久性在圣所网站的可能性,有时导致传播延迟。 虽然传播似乎在2016年停止了,但西非埃博拉流行病对全球健康保障的讨论和实践产生了深刻的影响和实践。



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