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Better Health at Bargain Prices: Six Ways to Institute an Affordable Wordploce Wellness Program


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Workplace wellness programs are very popular right now. In fact, according to the 2012 Deloitte Survey of U.S. Employers, 62% planned to increase wellness and preventive health programs. But there's a catch: The larger the employer, the more likely they'll increase investment in employee health and wellness. While the reasons vary from organization to organization, they boil down to two simple things: time and money. Unlike employers with deep pockets and large staffs, smaller businesses just don't have the resources to promote and support workplace wellness—or do they? According to Carmella Sebastian, Ph.D., workplace wellness might not be as costly in terms of time or money as you believe. "During my 20-plus years in this business. I have discovered many ways to develop and institute an effective worksite wellness program without a large investment of time or money," says Sebastian, who is a Wellness Council of America (WELCOA(-certified expert in workplace wellness. At Florida Blue, she oversees the National Committee for Quality Assurance-accredited wellness program "Better You from Blue" and manages over 300 client consultations per year.
机译:现在,工作场所健康计划非常受欢迎。实际上,根据2012年《德勤美国雇主调查》,有62%的人计划增加保健和预防性健康计划。但是有一个陷阱:雇主越大,他们越有可能增加对员工健康状况的投资。尽管不同组织的原因有所不同,但它们可以归结为两个简单的问题:时间和金钱。与拥有大量资金和大量员工的雇主不同,小型企业只是没有资源来促进和支持工作场所的健康,或者他们呢?根据卡梅拉·塞巴斯蒂安(Carmella Sebastian)博士的说法,就时间或金钱而言,工作场所健康的成本可能不如您想象的那么昂贵。 “在从事这项业务的20多年中,我发现了很多方法,可以开发和制定有效的工作场所健康计划,而无需花费大量时间或金钱,”美国健康委员会(WELCOA(-certified)的塞巴斯蒂安(Sebastian)说。工作场所健康方面的专家,她在佛罗里达蓝市(Florida Blue)监督着美国国家质量保证委员会认可的健康计划“让您来自蓝色”,每年管理300多次客户咨询。



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