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Digital memcomputing: From logic to dynamics to topology


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Digital memcomputing machines (DMMs) are a class of computational machines designed to solve combinatorial optimization problems. A practical realization of DMMs can be accomplished via electrical circuits of highly non-linear, point-dissipative dynamical systems engineered so that periodic orbits and chaos can be avoided. A given logic problem is first mapped into this type of dynamical system whose point attractors represent the solutions of the original problem. A DMM then finds the solution via a succession of elementary instantons whose role is to eliminate solitonic configurations of logical inconsistency ("logical defects") from the circuit. By employing a supersymmetric theory of dynamics, a DMM can be described by a cohomological field theory that allows for computation of certain topological matrix elements on instantons that have the mathematical meaning of intersection numbers on instantons. We discuss the "dynamical" meaning of these matrix elements, and argue that the number of elementary instantons needed to reach the solution cannot exceed the number of state variables of DMMs, which in turn can only grow at most polynomially with the size of the problem. These results shed further light on the relation between logic, dynamics and topology in digital memcomputing. (C) 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
机译:数字MEMCOMPUTING机(DMMS)是一类旨在解决组合优化问题的计算机器。可以通过工程化的高度非线性,点耗散动态系统的电路实现DMMS的实际实现,从而可以避免周期性轨道和混沌。首先将给定的逻辑问题映射到这种类型的动态系统中,其点吸引器代表原始问题的解决方案。然后,DMM通过连续的基本瞬间找到解决方案,其角色是消除来自电路的逻辑不一致的孤子配置(“逻辑缺陷”)。通过采用超对对称的动态理论,可以通过协调场理论描述DMM,其允许在方案上计算某些拓扑矩阵元素,其在瞬间具有交叉数的数学含义。我们讨论了这些矩阵元素的“动态”含义,并且争辩说,达到解决方案所需的基本时机的数量不能超过DMMS的状态变量的数量,这又可以在最多的问题上生长为问题。这些结果进一步阐明了数字MEMCOMPUTING中逻辑,动力学和拓扑之间的关系。 (c)2019 Elsevier Inc.保留所有权利。



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