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The Scientific Basis of Chinese Medicine and Cancer Care: A Western Medicine Perspective


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Recent evidence suggests that many traditional Chinese medical therapies can be effective for the supportive care of cancer patients. This is a review of the published literature (indexed in Medline) and our own practical experience. It provides various levels of evidence that support further research into a developing model of integrative care. Most published studies are at evidence level III, in other words trials without randomization, single group pre-post, cohort, time series, or matched case-controlled studies. Levels I and H evidence from well designed randomized controlled trials of appropriate size is emphasized in the text of this review. In view of thief paucity of quality data from levels and II evidence, meta-analysis of the; data is usually not possible. Well-designed randomized controlled trials are encouraged in view of the promising initial observations. It is important not to discount TCM as a system simply because an individual study is negative. The same applies to Western biomedical medicine. A negative drug study does not negate the whole of biomedicine. The challenge for TCM is to develop repeatable and provable outcomes, standardization, and quality assurance. The scientific bases of herbs and acupuncture are rapidly beingestablished, but well designed, pragmatic, controlled clinical studies are lacking in most domains.
机译:最近的证据表明,许多传统的中国医疗疗法可以有效地对癌症患者的支持性护理。这是对发表的文献(在Medline索引)和我们自己的实践经验的审查。它提供了各种级别的证据,支持进一步研究综合护理的发展模型。大多数公布的研究都有证据III,换句话说,在没有随机化的试验,单组前,队列,时间序列或匹配的病例控制研究。在本次审查的文本中强调了从设计的适当规模精心控制的随机对照试验的级别和H证据。鉴于来自水平和II证据的高质量数据的小偷缺乏,荟萃分析;数据通常是不可能的。鉴于有希望的初始观察,鼓励精心设计的随机对照试验。重要的是不要仅仅因为个人研究是消极的而折扣中药作为系统。这同样适用于西方生物医学。消极的药物研究不会否定整个生物医学。 TCM的挑战是开发可重复和可提供的结果,标准化和质量保证。香草和针灸的科学基地是迅速的,但精心设计,务实的,受控临床研究缺乏大多数域。



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