首页> 外文期刊>Acta tropica: Journal of Biomedical Sciences >Hydatidosis: prevalence and its economic importance in ruminants slaughtered at Adama municipal abattoir, Central Oromia, Ethiopia.

Hydatidosis: prevalence and its economic importance in ruminants slaughtered at Adama municipal abattoir, Central Oromia, Ethiopia.


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A cross-sectional study was conducted from November 2007 to April 2008 to estimate the prevalence of hydatidosis in ruminants slaughtered at Adama municipal abattoir. An attempt was also made to estimate the annual economic loss due to condemnation of organs during meat inspection. A retrospective analysis of data spanning a 10-year period (1997-2007) was also undertaken to determine the presence of the parasite during this period. A total of 1152 ruminants (852 cattle, 92 sheep and 208 goats) were inspected following slaughter. Hydatidosis was prevalent in 46.8% cattle, 29.3% sheep, and 6.7% goats. In cattle, 326 (55.2%) of the lung, 219 (37.1%) of the liver, 21 (3.6%) of the spleen, 15 (2.5%) of the heart and 10 (1.7%) of the kidney were found to be infected with hydatid cysts. In sheep, hydatid cysts were recovered from 22 (55.0%) of the lung, 16 (40.0%) of the liver and 2 (5.0%) of the spleen while none of the heart and kidney were recorded positive. In goats, the degree of infection was 6 (33.3%) of lung, 10 (55.6%) of liver, 1 (5.6%) of spleen and kidney each. According to the retrospective data, a total of 107,333 cattle were slaughtered and during this period 13,519 of the liver, 18,304 of the lung, 1142 of the kidneys, 537 of the hearts and 150 of the spleens were found to be infected with hydatidosis. The total annual economic loss incurred due to hydatidosis in ruminants slaughtered at Adama municipal abattoir was estimated to be to 52,828 ETB (5869.8 USD). The current results suggest that a thorough investigation that leads to a disease control strategy is required to reduce the economic and public health consequences of hydatidosis.
机译:从2007年11月至2008年4月进行了一项横断面研究,以评估在阿达玛市政屠宰场屠宰的反刍动物中的d虫病发生率。还尝试了估计在肉类检查期间因器官检疫而造成的年度经济损失。还对10年期间(1997-2007年)的数据进行了回顾性分析,以确定在此期间是否存在寄生虫。屠宰后共检查了1152只反刍动物(852头牛,92只绵羊和208只山羊)。胎生多见于46.8%的牛,29.3%的绵羊和6.7%的山羊。在牛中,发现有326(55.2%)的肺,219(37.1%)的肝,21(3.6%)的脾脏,15(2.5%)的心脏和10(1.7%)的肾脏感染了包虫囊肿。在绵羊中,从22个(55.0%)的肺,16个(40.0%)的肝和2个(5.0%)的脾脏中回收到包虫囊肿,而心脏和肾脏均未发现阳性。在山羊中,感染程度分别是肺脏6(33.3%),肝脏10(55.6%),脾脏和肾脏1(5.6%)。根据回顾性数据,总共宰杀了107,333头牛,在此期间,肝脏中有13,519头,肺18,304头,肾脏1142头,心脏537头和脾脏150头被感染。在阿达玛市政屠宰场屠宰的反刍动物因虫卵过熟而造成的年度经济总损失估计为52,828 ETB(5869.8 USD)。目前的结果表明,需要进行彻底的调查以得出疾病控制策略,以减少葡萄胎病的经济和公共卫生后果。



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