首页> 外文期刊>Acta Virologica: International Journal >Relative contribution of dengue prM- and E-specific polyclonal antibodies to neutralization and enhancement

Relative contribution of dengue prM- and E-specific polyclonal antibodies to neutralization and enhancement


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Viral surface proteins, premembrane protein (prM) and envelope (E) protein have been shown to induce a production of antibodies that are involved in both enhancement and neutralization. To explore the feasibility of modifying the relative immune responses to prM and E proteins, four DNA constructs were created and administered into groups of Balb/c mice; pPW01 contains prM and E genes of DENV1, pPW02 contains prM and E genes of DENV2, pPW03 contains DENV1 prM and DENV2 E, and pPW04 contains DENV2 prM and DENV1 E. Exchange of either prM or E from a heterologous serotype does not appear to have an effect on the immunogenicity of the proteins. We have proved that the chimeric pPW03 and pPW04 constructs can produce humoral response in mice. Immunized sera were subjected to neutralization and enhancement assays against DENV2. The results showed that only serotype-specific anti-E antibodies conferred protective function, while the cross-reactive anti-E and anti-prM enhanced infection. In addition, the enhancement of DENV2 infection exhibited a serotype-preference for anti-E antibodies while such response was not observed with anti-prM, reflecting a degree of structural conservation of prM. Taken together, neutralization and enhancement appeared to occur at the same time during the course of infection. Successful prevention of severe symptoms of DENV infection depends on the ability to induce high levels of neutralizing antibodies to subdue the effect of enhancing antibodies.
机译:病毒表面蛋白,前膜蛋白(prM)和包膜(E)蛋白已显示出可诱导参与增强和中和的抗体产生。为了探索修改对prM和E蛋白的相对免疫反应的可行性,创建了四个DNA构建体,并按Balb / c小鼠组进行了分组; pPW01包含DENV1的prM和E基因,pPW02包含DENV2的prM和E基因,pPW03包含DENV1 prM和DENV2 E,pPW04包含DENV2 prM和DENV1E。异种血清型的prM或E交换似乎没有对蛋白质免疫原性的影响。我们已经证明嵌合的pPW03和pPW04构建体可以在小鼠中产生体液反应。对免疫血清进行针对DENV2的中和和增强测定。结果表明,仅血清型特异性抗E抗体具有保护功能,而交叉反应性抗E和抗prM则增强感染。此外,DENV2感染的增强表现出抗E抗体的血清型偏好,而用抗prM则未观察到这种反应,反映了prM的结构保守程度。两者合计,中和和增强似乎在感染过程中同时发生。成功预防DENV感染的严重症状取决于诱导高水平的中和抗体服从增强抗体作用的能力。



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