首页> 外文期刊>Applied Soft Computing >Multiobjective coverage path planning: Enabling automated inspection of complex, real-world structures

Multiobjective coverage path planning: Enabling automated inspection of complex, real-world structures


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An important open problem in robotic planning is the autonomous generation of 3D inspection paths that is, planning the best path to move a robot along in order to inspect a target structure. We recently suggested a new method for planning paths allowing the inspection of complex 3D structures, given a triangular mesh model of the structure. The method differs from previous approaches in its emphasis on generating and considering also plans that result in imperfect coverage of the inspection target. In many practical tasks, one would accept imperfections in coverage if this results in a substantially more energy efficient inspection path. The key idea is using a multiobjective evolutionary algorithm to optimize the energy usage and coverage of inspection plans simultaneously- and the result is a set of plans exploring the different ways to balance the two objectives. We here test our method on a set of inspection targets with large variation in size and complexity, and compare its performance with two state-of-the-art methods for complete coverage path planning. The results strengthen our confidence in the ability of our method to generate good inspection plans for different types of targets. The method's advantage is most clearly seen for real-world inspection targets, since traditional complete coverage methods have no good way of generating plans for structures with hidden parts. Multiobjective evolution, by optimizing energy usage and coverage together, ensures a good balance between the two-both when 100% coverage is feasible, and when large parts of the object are hidden. (C) 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:机器人规划中的一个重要开放问题是自主代的3D检查路径,规划了移动机器人的最佳路径以便检查目标结构。我们最近提出了一种新的规划路径方法,允许考虑复杂的3D结构,给定结构的三角网格模型。该方法与先前的方法不同,重点产生,并考虑到导致检查目标的不完美覆盖率的计划。在许多实际任务中,如果这导致大幅度的节能检查路径,则可以接受覆盖范围内的缺陷。关键的想法是使用多目标进化算法,同时优化检查计划的能量使用和覆盖范围 - 结果是一套计划探索平衡两个目标的不同方式。我们在这里测试了一组检查目标的方法,该目标具有大小和复杂性的大变化,并将其性能与两种最先进的方法进行比较,以完成覆盖路径规划。结果加强了我们对我们为不同类型的目标产生良好检查计划的能力的信心。对于现实世界检验目标,最清楚地看到该方法的优势,因为传统的完整覆盖方法没有良好的方法可以为隐藏部件产生结构的计划。通过优化能量使用和覆盖范围的多目标进化,确保在100%覆盖范围可行时两者之间的良好平衡,以及隐藏的大部分物体的大部分。 (c)2017 Elsevier B.v.保留所有权利。



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