首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Kidney Diseases: The official journal of the National Kidney Foundation >Stimulating Patient Engagement in Medical Device Development in Kidney Disease: A Report of a Kidney Health Initiative Workshop

Stimulating Patient Engagement in Medical Device Development in Kidney Disease: A Report of a Kidney Health Initiative Workshop


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New technologies challenge current dialysis treatment paradigms as devices become smaller, more portable, and increasingly used outside the dialysis clinic. It is unclear how patients will view this care transition, and it will be important to consider patient and care partner perspectives during all aspects of development for novel dialysis therapies, from design and clinical trials to regulatory approval. To gain insight into this area, the Kidney Health Initiative, a public-private partnership between the American Society of Nephrology, the US Food and Drug Administration, and nearly 80 member organizations and companies dedicated to enhancing patient safety and fostering innovation in kidney disease, convened a workshop of patients, care partners, and other kidney community stakeholders. The workshop included background presentations followed by focused small group discussions in 3 areas (device design, clinical trials, and regulatory approval). Participants explored how to involve patients throughout the life cycle of a medical device, including discussions of how patients can influence device design, assist in the planning and implementation of clinical trials, and provide input to affect regulatory decisions. Patients were engaged in the workshop discussion and interested in sharing their perspectives, but they recommended additional efforts around education, communication, and outreach in these areas. Published by Elsevier Inc. on behalf of the National Kidney Foundation, Inc. This is a US Government Work. There are no restrictions on its use.
机译:新技术挑战当前的透析处理范式,因为器件变得更小,更便携,越来越多地使用透析诊所。目前尚不清楚患者将如何观察此护理转型,并且在新型透析疗法的开发方面,从设计和临床试验到监管批准,重要的是考虑患者和护理合作伙伴的观点是重要的。要深入了解这一领域,肾脏健康倡议,美国肾脏学会之间的公私伙伴关系,美国食品和药品管理局,以及近80名成员组织和公司致力于提高患者安全和促进肾脏疾病的创新,召集了患者,护理合作伙伴和其他肾社区利益攸关方的研讨会。该研讨会包括背景演示文稿,然后聚焦了3个区域(设备设计,临床试验和监管批准)的小组讨论。参与者探讨如何涉及患者在医疗设备的生命周期中涉及患者,包括讨论患者如何影响设备设计,协助临床试验的规划和实施,并提供影响监管决策的投入。患者从事研讨会讨论并有兴趣分享他们的观点,但他们建议在这些地区的教育,沟通和外展周围的额外努力。由elsevier公司发布代表全国Kidney Foundation,Inc。这是美国政府的工作。它的使用没有限制。



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