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Producing space, cultivating community: the story of Prague麓s new community gardens


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Heading>Abstract/Heading>Para>This paper aims to fill the gap in literature concerning community gardens in post-communist countries by focusing on the situation in Prague, Czechia. It introduces Prague鈥瞫 newly emerged community gardens and presents the results of a first representative survey of these gardens. Information was gathered about eleven of the sixteen larger community gardens and the data were collected by semi-structured interviews with the managers of the particular gardens. The paper compares the Czech community gardens as representatives of civic agriculture forms in post-communist countries with their counterparts (mainly those in the North America) and stresses their similarities and differences. The results show that the new community gardens reflect much of what can be seen elsewhere in terms of spatial and organizational design, as well as reasons for starting them, motivations for participation and some of the challenges experienced. However, in contrast to many community gardens in the USA, Canada and UK that focus on food and nutrition provision, in Prague the community is more of a priority than food and the other mentioned benefits. The paper shows that different activities, events and functions make gardens important hubs of their communities and potential tools of further community involvement and social change./Para>
机译:&标题>摘要& /标题>& para>本文旨在通过专注于布拉格,捷克的局势填补社区社区花园的差距。它介绍了布拉格鈥瞫新出现的社区花园,并提出了对这些花园的第一个代表性调查的结果。收集了大约十六个大型社区花园的信息,并通过半结构化访谈与特定花园的管理人员收集。该文件将捷克社区花园与捷克社区花园作为市民农业形式的代表与他们的同行(主要是北美洲)(主要是北美洲)的特区,并强调其相似之处和差异。结果表明,新的社区花园在空间和组织设计方面反映了其他地方可以在其他地方看到的东西,以及启动他们的原因,参与的动机以及一些挑战所经历的挑战。然而,与美国的许多社区花园相比,加拿大和英国,专注于食品和营养提供的,在布拉格,社区更优先于食物和其他提到的福利。本文表明,不同的活动,事件和职能使得其社区的园林重要中心以及进一步的社区参与和社会变革的潜在工具。& / para>



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