首页> 外国专利> COMMUNITY POOLED EQUIPMENT, STORE amp; SHARE SHED FACILITIY This is a large secure, contributor accessible, managed, storage Shed,located near to a community, where residents, can decide to locate one or all of their privately owned, privately kept, sports, research, special interest reading book collections, , transport, hiking, camping , house and garden maintenance, gymnastic, photographic, sports gear, ski boats, other diverse equipment, as provided for the ongoing contributor’s use of each item ,, as an elected governing committee, representing all contributing owners, may decide.

COMMUNITY POOLED EQUIPMENT, STORE amp; SHARE SHED FACILITIY This is a large secure, contributor accessible, managed, storage Shed,located near to a community, where residents, can decide to locate one or all of their privately owned, privately kept, sports, research, special interest reading book collections, , transport, hiking, camping , house and garden maintenance, gymnastic, photographic, sports gear, ski boats, other diverse equipment, as provided for the ongoing contributor’s use of each item ,, as an elected governing committee, representing all contributing owners, may decide.

机译:社区设施,存储和共享设备的便利性这是一个大型安全的,可贡献者访问,管理,存储的棚屋,位于社区附近,居民可以在其中决定一个或所有私有,私有,体育,研究的地点。 ,特别兴趣阅读书集,交通,远足,露营,房屋和花园维护,体操,摄影,运动装备,滑雪船和其他多样的设备,以供持续供稿者使用每个项目(作为民选的管理委员会)代表所有贡献者的所有者可以决定。


#$%^&*AU2018100049A420180301.pdf#####STORE AND SHARE SHED SPECIFICATION The Invention is described in the following statement SECTION 3/ page 1. ABSTRACT Since time began, local, and globally, people, individuals, families, government have bought, owned, acquired, for short, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, use, varied sport, leisure, recreation items and then parked them. Much of this equipment has been privately bought, and is diverse, and some bought at considerable, cost. When residents die much of their lifetime collected equipment is lost. And they are limited to use what they can personally afford. This invention provides for all local residents, of any income, having any equipment , being able, with their Community Store and Share Shed, to contribute their individual equipment of any type to the managed, leisure equipment, storage, shed that provides all equipment contributor, with priority access to their own gear , and allow it at other times for shared use, through this 7 day accessible , facility. It will provide a secure storage shed , and one able to be extended, where, all resident diverse sport, recreation, leisure, hobby, health improvement equipment, weights, wheel chairs, and the like can be stored, managed, maintained, insured and while in the storage have all equipment be accessible as individual use items by all contributors, for periods and conditions as decided by their elected governing committee to represent all equipment owner, contributors. It will include items like tennis rackets, video cameras, cricket equipment, free standing basketball hoops, telescopes, artists easels, skateboards, billy carts, water ski boats, hiking back packs, camping gear, magnifying glasses, portable canoes, gardening tools, and other gear. It is an invention to improve the quality of life of all contributing residents, and for them to enable, as they may want, via their elected contributors governing committee's arrangements , to attract increased long stay visitors, both domestic, and from overseas, to their Town, or village that has the Community owned and run Store and Share Shed. It is different to other cooperatives in that it gives ongoing 1" priority equipment use via their elected governing committee, to each items contributor, then to other equipment contributors, then to near community residents then to inbound Australia wide domestic and international visitors. It is the Ultimate Community , every aspect enhancing asset. VIZ: Resident's quality of life, and as an attraction for otherwise parked, non used multi type recreation equipment, to sustain and grow their town.
机译:#$%^&* AU2018100049A420180301.pdf #####储存并共享房屋规范以下陈述描述了本发明第3节/第1页。抽象自从开始以来,本地乃至全球的人们,个人,家庭,政府都购买,拥有,短期,每日,每周,每月,每年使用,各种运动,休闲,娱乐项目以及然后把它们停下来。这些设备大部分是私人购买的,种类繁多,有的是购买的成本很高。当居民丧生时,收集的设备将丢失。和他们仅限使用他们个人负担得起的东西。本发明为所有当地居民提供了任何收入,任何设备,能力,与他们的社区商店和Share Shed合作,为他们提供任何类型的个人设备提供给所有设备提供者优先的有管理的休闲设备,仓库,棚子在这7天可访问的时间内,访问自己的装备,并允许其在其他时间共享使用,设施。它将提供一个安全的存储棚,并且可以扩展存储棚,在这里所有居民都可以多样化运动,娱乐,休闲,嗜好,健康改善设备,举重,轮椅等可以存储,管理,维护,保险,并且在存储期间,所有设备都可以访问由所有参与个人使用的物品,时间和条件决定他们选出代表所有设备所有者,贡献者的管理委员会。它将包括像网球拍,摄像机,板球器材,独立式篮球架,望远镜,艺术家画架,滑板,比利推车,滑水船,远足背包,露营装备,放大镜,便携式独木舟,园艺工具和其他装备。这项发明可以改善所有供款居民的生活质量,并使他们能够他们可能想,通过他们选出的贡献者管理委员会的安排,以吸引更多的长期居留的游客,无论是国内的还是来自国外的,到他们的小镇或拥有社区的村庄拥有并经营“存储和共享棚架”。它与其他合作社的不同之处在于,它会持续提供1英寸通过选举产生的管理委员会优先使用设备,先分配给每个项目贡献者,然后分配给其他设备贡献者,然后是附近社区的居民,然后是澳大利亚境内的入境居民和国际游客。这是终极社区,各个方面都在增强资产。VIZ:居民的生活质量,并吸引原本停放的未使用的多类型休闲娱乐设备,以维持和发展自己的小镇。




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