首页> 外文期刊>Creativity Research Journal >Why Reject Creative Ideas? Fear as a Driver of Implicit Bias Against Creativity

Why Reject Creative Ideas? Fear as a Driver of Implicit Bias Against Creativity

机译:为什么拒绝创意? 恐惧作为对创造力的隐性偏见的驾驶员

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Biases against creativity seem to be activated when people are motivated to reduce uncertainty. Drawing on the appraisal model of emotion, this study tested whether and how emotions with varying levels of uncertainty appraisals affect biases against creativity. This experimental study showed that fear, characterized by a high-uncertainty appraisal, promoted implicit, but not explicit, biases against creativity more strongly than low-uncertainty emotions such as anger and happiness. Compared with individuals who experienced anger and happiness, those who experienced fear provided lower creativity ratings because of their implicit biases against creativity. These results highlight the importance of considering emotions to understand the individuals' biases against creativity and their recognition of creative ideas.
机译:当人们有动力减少不确定性时,反对创造力的偏见似乎被激活。 绘制了情感评估模型,这项研究测试了是否以及如何以及不同水平的不确定性评估的情绪会影响反对创造力的偏见。 这种实验研究表明,恐惧,以高不确定性评估为特征,促进了隐含,但不明确的,偏见的反对创造力比低不确定性的情绪如愤怒和幸福。 与经历愤怒和幸福的人相比,那些经历了恐惧的人,因为他们对创造力的隐含偏见提供了更低的创造力评级。 这些结果强调了考虑情绪了解个人反对创造力的偏见和对创意思想的认可的重要性。



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