首页> 外文期刊>Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica: Official Publication of the Nordisk Forening for Obstetrik och Gynekologi >Associations among breastfeeding, smoking relapse, and prenatal factors in a brief postpartum smoking intervention.

Associations among breastfeeding, smoking relapse, and prenatal factors in a brief postpartum smoking intervention.


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Postpartum smoking contributes to child health problems and is a barrier to breastfeeding, which promotes child health. There is a risk of postpartum smoking relapse for smokers and they are less likely to breastfeed. Understanding of smoking-breastfeeding associations must be improved. Enhancing smoking cessation advice simultaneously with breastfeeding counseling could increase smoking abstinence and breastfeeding rates. A low income sample of 31 volunteer maternal smokers and ex-smokers were recruited for this pilot intervention in an urban hospital's postpartum unit. Following pre-intervention interview, participants received either smoking relapse prevention plus breastfeeding counseling, or smoking relapse prevention only counseling. At one-month follow-up, we hypothesized that breastfeeding duration would positively relate to 7-day point prevalence abstinence rates and days to relapse and explored prenatal care and pregnancy smoking behavior associations with postpartum smoking and breastfeeding. Of the mothers, 75% completed follow-up. Days to relapse was related to duration of breastfeeding (r = 0.92, p = 0.08); however, counseling group differences in one-month smoking status were not significant. Earlier prenatal care initiation was associated with smoking abstinences at one month postpartum (chi(2) = 4.87, p
机译:产后吸烟会导致儿童健康问题,并且是母乳喂养的障碍,会促进儿童健康。吸烟者有产后吸烟复发的风险,他们哺乳的可能性较小。必须提高对吸烟-母乳喂养协会的了解。在母乳喂养咨询的同时增加戒烟建议可以增加戒烟和母乳喂养率。招募了31位自愿的孕产妇吸烟者和前吸烟者的低收入样本,用于在城市医院产后部门进行的这项试点干预。干预前的访谈之后,参与者接受了预防吸烟复发加母乳喂养咨询或仅预防吸烟复发咨询。在一个月的随访中,我们假设母乳喂养的持续时间与7天点戒断率和复发天数成正比,并探讨了产前护理和怀孕吸烟行为与产后吸烟和母乳喂养的关系。在这些母亲中,有75%完成了随访。复发天数与母乳喂养时间有关(r = 0.92,p = 0.08);但是,咨询小组在一个月吸烟状态方面的差异并不显着。较早的产前护理与产后一个月的戒烟相关(chi(2)= 4.87,p <或= 0.05)。早期的产前保健和母乳喂养与产后戒烟有关。



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