首页> 外文会议>Joint annual meeting of the International Society of Exposure Science and the International Society for Environmental Epidemiology >Association of the daily ratio of FEV1 to FVC with the real-time exposure level to indoor PM2.5 and C02 after controlling for other risk factors in adult non-smoking refractory asthmatics in urban areas of South Korea: Results from Environmental Health St

Association of the daily ratio of FEV1 to FVC with the real-time exposure level to indoor PM2.5 and C02 after controlling for other risk factors in adult non-smoking refractory asthmatics in urban areas of South Korea: Results from Environmental Health St

机译:在控制韩国城市成人非吸烟难治性哮喘患者的其他危险因素后,FEV1与FVC的每日比率与室内PM2.5和CO2实时暴露水平的关联:Environmental Health St的结果



Background As acute exacerbations of refractory asthma (RA) can be fatal, it is important to recognize the risk factors with consideration that the immune system may undergo continuing change by age among adults and adult asthmatics tend to stay indoor. We evaluated the associations between variation in daily exposure levels to indoor air quality, and daily changes in lung function (FEV1/FVC ratio) of RA sufferers, after controlling for total immunoglobulin E (IgE) levels, smoking status, and seasonality. Methods We analyzed sensing technology based spirometry data from refractory asthmatics whose mean FEV1/FVC ratio is lower than < 80%, lived in Seoul or Kyunggi Province, South Korea , and attended hospital between 2016 and 2017 with multiple exacerbations. We constructed mixed model using the data clustered within each patient. Results We analysed 1100 episodes data relating to 25 never-smoking patients. After adjusting for sex, age, body mass index (BMI), and total IgE level, a unit increase in concentration of particles <2.5 urn (PM2.5), or C02 concentration on Lag 0, reduced the FEV1/FVC ratio by 0.1% (95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.0-0.4%). Patients living in house with high damp scores (3 and 4) showed lower ratio than the others (1 and 2). Conclusions This study demonstrated that reduction in pulmonary function in adult asthma patients were potentially associated with acute exposure to increased indoor PM2.5, C02 and damp levels with irrespective to total IgE level.
机译:背景技术由于难治性哮喘(RA)的急性加重可能是致命的,因此重要的是要认识到危险因素,并要考虑到成年人的免疫系统可能随着年龄的增长而不断变化,而成年的哮喘患者则倾向于留在室内。在控制了总免疫球蛋白E(IgE)水平,吸烟状况和季节性之后,我们评估了RA患者的每日暴露水平对室内空气质量的变化与肺功能的每日变化之间的关联(FEV1 / FVC比值)。方法我们分析了基于FEM1 / FVC平均比率低于80%,居住在韩国首尔或京畿道的难治性哮喘患者的基于传感技术的肺活量测定数据,该患者于2016年至2017年间就诊并多次加重病情。我们使用聚集在每个患者体内的数据构建了混合模型。结果我们分析了涉及25名永不吸烟患者的1100次发作数据。调整了性别,年龄,体重指数(BMI)和总IgE水平后,<2.5 um(PM2.5)的颗粒浓度或Lag 0上的CO2浓度单位增加,FEV1 / FVC的比率降低了0.1 %(95%置信区间[CI]:0.0-0.4%)。居住在房屋中的患者的高湿分(3和4)显示出比其他人(1和2)低的比率。结论该研究表明,成年哮喘患者的肺功能下降可能与急性暴露于室内PM2.5,CO2和湿气水平升高有关,而与总IgE水平无关。



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