首页> 外文期刊>Childhood obesity >Vast Differences in Psychotropic Prescription Rates, But Not Outcomes, for Obese Adolescents in Immersion Treatment across Geographical Regions

Vast Differences in Psychotropic Prescription Rates, But Not Outcomes, for Obese Adolescents in Immersion Treatment across Geographical Regions


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Background: Pediatric obesity is recognized as a worldwide epidemic. Treatment of this problem has proven difficult, but many promising interventions exist, including immersion treatment. The purpose of this study is to examine the potential influence of psychotropic medications on immersion treatment outcomes in a real-world treatment setting. Methods: This study examines the prescription rates of psychotropic medications and treatment process and outcomes of 642 adolescents in ten different cognitive behavioral therapeutic immersion weight-loss camps in the United States and in the United Kingdom. Results: The US participants received psychotropic medications at drastically varying rates by geographical location and overall at almost ten times the rate of UK participants. Those talcing psychotropic medications engaged in treatment and decreased percentage overweight at similar rates as their nonmedicated peers. The medication group reported higher initial and final rates of distress, but both groups improved their moods during camp and exhibited smaller differences in mood ratings by the end of camp. Conclusions: Significantly higher prescription rates of psychotropic medication, especially evident comparing the United States to the United Kingdom, were unrelated to immersion obesity treatment process and outcomes for youth. Immersion treatment for obese adolescents appears effective regardless of psychotropic medication status of the participant. This finding supports the use of cognitive behavioral immersion treatments for adolescent obesity and leads to several possible conclusions and directions for future study.



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