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Aeroponic cultivation of ginger (Zingiber officinale) rhizomes.


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Ginger (Zingiber officinale Rosc.) rhizomes are popular as a spice and an herbal dietary supplement. The anti-inflammatory and anti-nausea qualities of ginger have applications in the pharmaceutical industry. Conventionally grown as a tropical field crop, ginger is plagued by soil-borne disease and nematode problems. Aeroponic cultivation of ginger can provide high-quality rhizomes that are free from pesticides and nematodes and can be produced in mild-winter greenhouses. An experiment involving 34 ginger plants grown in aeroponics was performed in a temperature controlled greenhouse in Tucson, Arizona. The unique aeroponic growing units incorporated a "rhizome compartment" separated and elevated above an aeroponic spray chamber. Bottom heat was supplied to one half of the plants. Accelerated growth was observed in plants receiving bottom heat. One third of the plants were grown in units where the rhizome compartment was filled with perlite, one third in sphagnum moss, and one third without any aggregate medium. Those plants grown in perlite matured faster than the other treatments. The aeroponic units without aggregate medium provided an opportunity to photograph the growth habit of rhizomes over a three month period. Those images were incorporated into a 60-second digital movie that dramatically illustrates how underground rhizomes develop and grow.
机译:生姜(Zingiber officinale Rosc。)根茎作为香料和草药膳食补充剂很受欢迎。生姜的抗炎和抗恶心特性已在制药工业中得到应用。姜通常作为一种热带大田作物种植,因此受到土壤传播疾病和线虫问题的困扰。姜的航空栽培可以提供高质量的根茎,不含农药和线虫,可以在温和的冬季温室中生产。在亚利桑那州图森市的一个温度可控的温室中进行了一项涉及34种以航空植物生长的生姜植物的实验。独特的航空种植单元结合了一个“根茎隔室”,分隔并升高到航空喷雾室上方。底部热量供应到一半的植物。在接受底热的植物中观察到加速生长。三分之一的植物生长在根茎区充满珍珠岩的单位中,三分之一的植物在泥炭藓中生长,三分之一的植物没有任何聚集培养基。那些在珍珠岩中生长的植物比其他处理方法成熟更快。没有聚集介质的航空单位提供了拍摄根茎在三个月内的生长习性的机会。这些图像被并入了60秒的数字电影中,该电影极大地说明了地下根茎如何发育和生长。



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