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Gene regulation by SINES and inosines: biological consequences of A-to-I editing of Alu element inverted repeats.

机译:基因调节田间和毒液:A-to-I Element反转重复的A-to-I编辑的生物后果。

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The Alu elements are conserved approximately 300 nucleotide long repeat sequences that belong to the SINE family of retrotransposons found abundantly in primate genomes. Although the vast majority of Alu elements appear to be genetically inert, it has been tempting to consider the great majority of them as "junk DNA." However, a growing line of evidence suggests that transcribed Alu RNAs are in fact functionally involved in a number of diverse biological processes. Pairs of inverted Alu repeats in RNA can form duplex structures that lead to A-to-I editing by the ADAR enzymes. In this review we discuss the possible biological effects of Alu editing, with particular focus on the regulation of gene expression by inverted Alu repeats in the 3'-UTR regions of mRNAs.
机译:Alu元素被保守约300个核苷酸长重复序列,其属于在灵长类动物基因组中大量发现的蒙隆的蒙隆族。 虽然绝大多数的Alu元素似乎是遗传困境,但它一直很诱人地将其中大多数人视为“垃圾DNA”。 然而,越来越多的证据表明,转录的Alu RNA实际上是在功能上涉及许多不同的生物过程。 RNA中的倒置Alu对倒反转的Alu重复可以形成通过ADAR酶导致A-TO-I的双链体结构。 在本次综述中,我们讨论了ALU编辑的可能生物学效果,特别关注在MRNA的3'-UTR区域中的倒ALU重复对基因表达的调节。



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