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Species as Explanatory Hypotheses: Refinements and Implications


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The formal definition of species as explanatory hypotheses presented by Fitzhugh (Marine Biol 26:155-165, 2005a, b) is emended. A species is an explanatory account of the occurrences of the same characters) among gonocho-ristic or cross-fertilizing hermaphroditic individuals by way of character origin and subsequent fixation during tokogeny. In addition to species, biological systematics also employs hypotheses that are ontogenetic, tokogenetic, intraspecific, and phy-logenetic, each of which provides explanatory hypotheses for distinctly different classes of causal questions. It is suggested that species hypotheses can not be applied to organisms with obligate asexual, parthenogenetic, and self-fertilizing modes of reproduction. Hypotheses explaining shared characters among such organisms are, instead, strictly phylogenetic. Several implications of this emended definition are examined, especially the relations between species, intraspecific, and phylogenetic hypotheses, as well as the limitations of species names to be applied to temporally different characters within populations.
机译:Fitzhugh(Marine Biol 26:155-165,2005a,b)提出了作为解释性假设的物种正式定义。一个物种是通过性格起源和随后在变态过程中固定的方式,在淋病型或交叉受精的雌雄同体个体中解释相同字符的发生。除了物种外,生物学系统学还采用了本体论,生代论,种内论和系统发育论的假说,每种假说都为不同类别的因果问题提供了解释性假说。建议物种假说不适用于专性无性繁殖,孤雌生殖和自我受精繁殖的生物。解释这些生物之间共有特征的假设是严格的系统进化论。研究了该修订定义的几个含义,特别是物种,种内和系统发育假说之间的关系,以及将物种名称应用于种群中时间上不同特征的限制。



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