首页> 外文期刊>Acta Agriculture Scandinavica, Section C. Food Economics >Perceptions of the risks and benefits of genetically-modified foods and their influence on willingness to consume.

Perceptions of the risks and benefits of genetically-modified foods and their influence on willingness to consume.


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There has been debate in the literature as to whether: (1) the risks and benefits of genetically-modified (GM) food and agriculture are considered and determined by individuals separately or whether they are jointly determined by attitudes; (2) consumer acceptance is determined by individuals weighing up their risk and benefit perceptions in a rational, even-handed manner, or if benefit perceptions are more important than risk perceptions; and (3) certain types of risk and benefit are more important than others. Against this background, this paper assesses the categories of risks and benefits and their relative importance in determining willingness to consume. A survey was carried out in 2002 to collect data on the categories of risks and benefits in the USA, UK and France, and the relative importance of selected perceived risk and benefit dimensions was estimated. The sample consisted of 80 respondents from Lubbock, Texas; 47 from Long Beach, California; 39 from Jacksonville, Florida; 108 from Reading, UK; and 98 from Grenoble, France. The findings show that risk and benefit perceptions are negatively correlated, but not perfectly and, given that the regressions performed support the proposition that benefits are more important than risks in determining willingness to consume, a strong case can be made for measuring risks and benefits separately. Almost two-thirds of consumers perceive medium to high potential benefits from GM, though the proportion is slightly lower in the UK and down to 40% in France. Nevertheless, this suggests a much higher level of support for the technology than is normally assumed. From the study, benefits are more important for consumers' willingness to consume than perceived risks, and slightly more interviewees scored above than below the mean on willingness to consume GM food..
机译:在文献中一直存在关于以下方面的辩论:(1)转基因食品和农业的风险和利益是由个人单独考虑和确定的,还是由态度共同决定的; (2)消费者的接受程度取决于个人以合理,公正的方式权衡他们对风险和收益的看法,或者收益的看法是否比风险的看法更重要; (3)某些类型的风险和收益比其他类型更为重要。在此背景下,本文评估了风险和收益的类别及其在确定消费意愿方面的相对重要性。 2002年进行了一项调查,以收集有关美国,英国和法国的风险和收益类别的数据,并对选定的感知风险和收益维度的相对重要性进行了估计。样本由得克萨斯州拉伯克市的80名受访者组成。 47来自加利福尼亚长滩; 39岁,来自佛罗里达州杰克逊维尔;英国雷丁市108号;和98来自法国格勒诺布尔。研究结果表明,风险和收益的看法是负相关的,但并不是完美相关的,并且鉴于所进行的回归支持以下论点:在确定消费意愿方面,收益比风险更重要,因此可以有一个强有力的案例来分别衡量风险和收益。大约三分之二的消费者认为通用汽车具有中等至高的潜在收益,尽管在英国这一比例略低,而在法国则降至40%。尽管如此,这表明对该技术的支持水平要比通常设想的要高得多。根据该研究,收益对消费者的食用意愿比感知的风险更为重要,并且被访者的分数高于或低于食用转基因食品的平均值。



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