首页> 外文期刊>Academic Medicine: Journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges >Educating residents in behavioral health care and collaboration: comparison of conventional and integrated training models.

Educating residents in behavioral health care and collaboration: comparison of conventional and integrated training models.


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PURPOSE: To determine whether former pediatric residents trained using a model of integrated behavioral health (BH) care in their primary care continuity clinics felt more comfortable managing BH care and better prepared to collaborate with BH professionals than did peers from the same residency who trained in clinics with a conventional model of BH care. METHOD: University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry pediatric residents were assigned to one of two continuity clinic sites. At one site, psychology fellows and faculty were integrated into the clinic teams in the mid-1990s. At the other, conventional patterns of consultation and referral continued. In 2004, the authors surveyed 245 alumni (graduated 1989-2003) about their experiences and their comfort with providing BH care and collaborating with BH providers in their current practice. RESULTS: A total of 174 alumni (71%) responded. There were significant differences between graduates who trained in the two models. Those who trained in the integrated model were significantly more likely than others to report that they had consulted or planned treatment with a BH provider during residency and to report that their continuity clinic helped prepare them to collaborate with BH providers. They were somewhat more likely to believe that their overall residency training prepared them to manage BH issues in their current practice. CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest that an integrated training environment, described in detail in the companion article in this issue, can enhance pediatric resident education in the management of BH problems and collaboration with BH specialists.
机译:目的:确定前儿童住院医师在其初级保健连续性诊所中使用综合行为健康(BH)护理模型进行培训是否比在同一居民区接受过BH培训的同龄人更愿意管理BH护理,并准备与BH专业人士合作具有常规BH护理模式的诊所。方法:罗切斯特大学医学院和牙科学院的儿科住院医师被分配到两个连续性诊所地点之一。在1990年代中期,心理学家和教职员在一个地点被整合到诊所团队中。另一方面,常规的咨询和转诊方式仍在继续。 2004年,作者对245位校友(毕业于1989-2003年)进行了调查,以了解他们在提供BH护理以及与BH提供者进行当前合作方面的舒适度。结果:共有174名校友(71%)回答。在两种模式下接受培训的毕业生之间存在显着差异。在集成模型中进行过培训的人员比其他人更有可能报告他们在居住期间已咨询过或计划与BH提供者进行治疗,并报告其连续性诊所帮助他们做好了与BH提供者进行合作的准备。他们更有可能相信他们的总体居住培训为他们准备了在当前实践中管理BH问题的方法。结论:这些发现表明,在本期随行文章中详细介绍的综合培训环境可以加强对BH问题的管理以及与BH专家合作的小儿住院医师教育。



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