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Movements and Activity of Juvenile Brown Treesnakes (Boiga irregularis)


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Understanding the spatial ecology and foraging strategy of invasive animals is essential for success in control or eradication. We studied movements and activity in juvenile Brown Treesnakes on Guam, as this population segment has proven particularly difficult to control. Distance between daytime refugia (from telemetry of 18 juveniles, 423-800 mm snout-vent length) ranged from 0-118 m (n = 86), with a grand mean of 43 m. There were tendencies for shorter snake movements on nights directly following a full moon and on dry nights, but variation among snakes was of a larger magnitude and would greatly reduce chances to detect moon or rain effects unless corrected for. Snake activity was estimated from audio recordings of signals from "tipping" radio transmitters, analyzed for pulse period and amplitude. Activity was highest in the hours immediately after sunset, and gradually declined throughout the night before dropping abruptly in conjunction with sunrise. Snake activity was higher on rainy nights, and tended to be highest during waning moons and when the moon was below the horizon. We conclude that small Brown Treesnakes forage actively and appear to move far enough to regularly encounter the traps and bait used on Guam for control purposes, suggesting that alternative explanations are required for their low capture rates with these control tools.
机译:了解入侵动物的空间生态和觅食策略对于成功控制或根除至关重要。我们已经研究了关岛青少年布朗树蛇的活动和活动,因为这一人群已被证明特别难以控制。白天避难所之间的距离(根据18个少年的遥测,423-800 mm的口鼻长度)为0-118 m(n = 86),平均值为43 m。在满月之后的夜晚和干燥的夜晚,蛇的运动可能会更短一些,但是蛇之间的变化幅度更大,除非进行校正,否则极大地降低了探测月球或雨水影响的机会。蛇的活动是根据“倾覆”无线电发射器的信号音频记录估算出来的,并分析了脉冲周期和幅度。在日落之后的几个小时内,活动量最高,并在整个夜晚逐渐下降,然后随着日出而突然下降。在下雨的夜晚,蛇的活动较高,在月亮渐弱和月亮低于地平线时,蛇的活动往往最高。我们得出的结论是,小棕树蛇活跃地觅食并且似乎移动得足够远,可以定期遇到关岛上用于控制目的的诱捕器和诱饵,这表明对于这些控制工具的捕获率低,需要其他解释。



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