首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry >Variability in Lignin Composition and Structure in Cell Walls of Different Parts of Macauba (Acrocomia aculeata) Palm Fruit

Variability in Lignin Composition and Structure in Cell Walls of Different Parts of Macauba (Acrocomia aculeata) Palm Fruit

机译:木质素组成和结构在麦古巴(acuulata aculeata)棕榈树水果不同部分细胞壁中的变异性和结构

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The lignins from different anatomical parts of macauba (Acrocomia aculeata) palm fruit, namely stalks, epicarp, and endocarp, were studied. The lignin from stalks was enriched in S-lignin units (S/G 1.2) and beta-ether linkages (84% of the total) and was partially acylated at the gamma-OH of the lignin side-chains (26% lignin acylation), predominantly with p-hydroxybenzoates and acetates. The epicarp lignin was highly enriched in G-lignin units (S/G 0.2) and consequently depleted in beta-ethers (65%) and enriched in condensed structures such as phenylcoumarans (24%) and dibenzodioxocins (3%). The endocarp lignin was strikingly different from the rest and presented large amounts of piceatannol units incorporated into the polymer. This resulted in a lignin polymer depleted in beta-ethers but enriched in condensed structures and linked piceatannol moieties. The incorporation of piceatannol into the lignin polymer seems to have a role in seed protection.
机译:研究了来自Macauba(Acrocomia Aculeata)棕榈果,即秸秆,表皮和内豚鼠的不同解剖部位的木质素。 来自秸秆的木质素富含S-lignin单元(S / G 1.2)和β-醚键(总量的84%),并在木质素侧链的γ-OH下部分酰化(26%木质素酰化) ,主要是对羟基苯甲酸盐和醋酸盐。 Epicarp木质素以G-lignin单位(S / g 0.2)高度富集,因此含β-醚(65%)耗尽,并富含浓缩结构,例如苯基伞素(24%)和二茂甲丙烯(3%)。 endocarp木质素与剩下的速度突然不同,并呈现了掺入聚合物中的大量皮皮索单位。 这导致一种木质素聚合物在β-醚中耗尽,但富含冷凝结构和连接的PICEATANNOL部分。 将Peatannol与木质素聚合物的掺入似乎在种子保护中具有作用。



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