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Percutaneous dilatational tracheostomy - an update


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Percutaneous dilatational tracheostomy (PDT) is one of the most common procedures performed universally in patients admitted to medical and surgical intensive care units. Initially popularized in the 1980s, it can be performed by various techniques including Ciaglia's blue Rhino, Griggs guide wire dilating forceps, Blue Dolphin, or the Perc Twist method. Bronchoscopy and ultrasound guidance have made these procedures much quicker and safer. Its main advantages over its centuries old counterpart, surgical tracheostomy (ST), include shorter procedure times, less perioperative bleeding, and a decreased risk of peristomal infection. PDT also appears to be more cost effective by preventing delays due to operating room scheduling issues and complications in transporting critically ill patients to the operating room for ST. Some patients, including those who are morbidly obese, those with prior tracheostomies, or patients with severe head and necksurgeries still remain good candidates for ST in general. Moreover, in experienced hands, PDT can also be performed. There are many physiological advantages of tracheostomy over the endotracheal tube such as reduction of airway resistance and anatomic dead space. Also, studies have shown decreased incidences of pneumonia, shorter inpatient stay length and reduced mortality with early tracheostomy. Nevertheless, the dilemma of appropriate timing to perform tracheostomy in the course of mechanical ventilation remains unanswered.
机译:经皮扩张气管切开术(PDT)是收治于医疗和外科重症监护病房的患者中普遍执行的最常见手术之一。它最初在1980年代流行,可以通过各种技术来执行,包括Ciaglia的蓝犀牛,Griggs导丝扩张钳,Blue Dolphin或Perc Twist方法。支气管镜检查和超声引导使这些程序变得更快,更安全。与几百年来的同类产品相比,它的主要优势在于手术气管切开术(ST),它缩短了手术时间,减少了围手术期出血,并降低了围膜感染的风险。通过防止因手术室调度问题而导致的延误以及将重症患者运送至ST的手术室带来的复杂性,PDT似乎也更具成本效益。一般而言,某些患者,包括病态肥胖的患者,进行过气管切开术的患者或头部和颈部手术严重的患者,总体上仍是ST的良好候选者。此外,在经验丰富的手中,也可以执行PDT。气管切开术比气管插管有很多生理优势,例如减少气道阻力和解剖死腔。此外,研究表明早期气管切开术降低了肺炎的发病率,缩短了住院时间,降低了死亡率。然而,在机械通气过程中进行气管切开术的适当时机的难题仍未得到解决。



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