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Modeling HIV vaccine trials of the future


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Purpose of reviewModels of implementation of known-effective interventions for HIV prevention indicate that an efficacious vaccine to prevent HIV infection would be critical for controlling the HIV pandemic. Key issues in the design of future HIV vaccine trials are: first, how to develop reliable immunological correlates of vaccine efficacy, second, how to down-select candidate vaccine regimens into efficacy trials, and third, how to learn about vaccine efficacy in the context of the evolving HIV prevention landscape.Recent findingsWhereas in the past phase-I/-II HIV vaccine trials have addressed the first and second points using a small set of immunological assays and readouts, recently they have used a battery of assays with highly multivariate readouts. In addition, systems vaccinology studies of other pathogens measuring PBMC transcriptomics and other immunological features pre- and postfirst vaccination are demonstrating value, for example, providing discoveries that preimmunization and early postimmunization cell population markers can predict the influenza-specific antibody titer that is a correlate of vaccine protection. The HIV prevention landscape continues to evolve, and the design and analysis of vaccine trials is evolving alongside, to accommodate increasingly dynamic and regional standards of HIV prevention.SummaryDevelopment of interpretable and robust functional assays, in addition to the associated bioinformatics and statistical analytic tools, is needed to improve the assessment of correlates of protection in efficacy trials and the down-selection of candidate vaccine regimens into efficacy trials. Moreover, high-priority trials should integrate systems vaccinology, including the analysis of prevaccination and early postvaccination markers.
机译:审查目的实施已知有效的预防HIV干预措施的模型表明,预防HIV感染的有效疫苗对于控制HIV大流行至关重要。未来的HIV疫苗试验设计中的关键问题是:首先,如何建立可靠的疫苗功效免疫学关联;其次,如何将候选疫苗方案选择为效力试验;第三,如何在背景中了解疫苗功效最近的发现尽管在过去的I / -II期HIV疫苗试验中使用少量的免疫学检测和读数解决了第一点和第二点,但最近他们使用了一系列具有高度多元读数的分析方法。此外,其他病原体的系统疫苗学研究测量PBMC转录组学和首次免疫前后的其他免疫学特征也证明了其价值,例如,提供了发现免疫前和免疫后早期细胞群体标志物可以预测与流感相关的流感特异性抗体效价的发现。疫苗保护。艾滋病预防领域不断发展,疫苗试验的设计和分析也在不断发展,以适应日益增长的动态和区域性的艾滋病预防标准。概述开发了可解释且功能强大的功能测定,以及相关的生物信息学和统计分析工具,需要改进有效性试验中保护相关性的评估,以及将候选疫苗方案的选择降低到有效性试验中。此外,高优先级试验应整合系统疫苗学,包括疫苗接种前和疫苗接种后早期标志物的分析。



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