首页> 外文期刊>Current Science: A Fortnightly Journal of Research >Utility of magnetic data in delineation of groundwater potential zones in hard rock terrain

Utility of magnetic data in delineation of groundwater potential zones in hard rock terrain


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Exploration and management of ground-water in hard rock terrain is a challengingtask, as the potential groundwater zonesare associated with fractured and fissuredzones. Identification of such features insubsurface is a difficult task. The ground-water potential in such an environmentdepends upon the thickness of the weath-ered/fractured layer overlying the base-ment rocks. An integrated geoscientificstudy has been carried out to understandthe aquifer set up, especially the ground-water flow system in weathered fracturedgranitic zone in Maheshwaram watershed,having an areal extent of -55 km~2 situ-ated at about 30 km south of Hyderabad,India. The area under study lies betweenlongitudes 78 deg 24 min 30 sec and 78 deg 29 min 00 secE aswell as latitudes 17 deg 06 min 20 sce and 17 deg 11 min 00 sceN(Figure 1). The weathered zone extendsto a depth of 20 m followed by fracturingat many places1 and shows variable den-sity of fractures. The nature and degreeof weathering are observable from anumber of defunct dugwells that are gen-erally truncated by erosion and overlainby a few decimetres of red soil; theweathered mantle has quite homogene-ous thickness of less than 3 m throughoutthe watershed~1.
机译:在硬岩地形中进行地下水的勘探和管理是一项艰巨的任务,因为潜在的地下水带与裂缝和裂隙带有关。在地下识别这些特征是一项艰巨的任务。在这种环境下,地下水的潜力取决于覆盖在基底岩层上的浅层/破裂层的厚度。为了了解含水层的建立,特别是在印度海得拉巴以南约30 km处-55 km〜2面积范围内的Maheshwaram流域风化裂缝碎屑河带中的地下水流系统,进行了综合的地球科学研究。 。研究区域位于经度78度24分30秒和78度29分00秒E以及纬度17度06分20秒和17度11分00秒N之间(图1)。风化带延伸至20 m的深度,随后在许多地方发生压裂1,并显示出不同的裂缝密度。风化的性质和程度可以从大量已经消失的杜古斯中观察到,这些古杜斯大体上由于侵蚀而被截断,并被几公分的红色土壤覆盖。在整个流域〜1中,风化的地幔具有相当均匀的厚度,小于3 m。



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