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Mott transitions in the periodic Anderson model


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The periodic Anderson model (PAM) is studied within the framework of dynamical mean-field theory, with particular emphasis on the interaction-driven Mott transition it contains, and on resultant Mott insulators of both Mott-Hubbard and charge-transfer type. The form of the PAM phase diagram is first deduced on general grounds using two exact results, over the full range of model parameters and including metallic, Mott, Kondo and band insulator phases. The effective low-energy model which describes the PAM in the vicinity of a Mott transition is then shown to be a one-band Hubbard model, with effective hoppings that are not in general solely nearest neighbour, but decay exponentially with distance. This mapping is shown to have a range of implications for the physics of the problem, from phase boundaries to single-particle dynamics; all of which are confirmed and supplemented by NRG calculations. Finally we consider the locally degenerate, non-Fermi liquid Mott insulator, to describe which requires a two-self-energy description. This is shown to yield a number of exact results for the associated local moment, charge, and interaction-renormalised levels, together with a generalisation of Luttinger's theorem to the Mott insulator.
机译:在动力学平均场理论的框架内研究了周期安德森模型(PAM),特别强调了它所包含的相互作用驱动的Mott跃迁,以及由此产生的Mott-Hubbard和电荷转移型Mott绝缘子。 PAM相图的形式首先是在两个完整的模型参数范围内,包括两个金属,Mott,Kondo和带绝缘子相,使用两个精确的结果推论得出的。然后,描述了在Mott跃迁附近描述PAM的有效低能模型是一个单波段Hubbard模型,其有效跳变通常不是唯一的邻居,而是随距离呈指数衰减。从相位边界到单粒子动力学,这种映射被证明对问题的物理学有一系列影响。所有这些都通过NRG计算得到确认和补充。最后,我们考虑局部退化的非费米液态莫特绝缘子,以描述需要两个自能量的描述。对于相关的局部矩,电荷和相互作用重新归一化的水平,这表明产生了许多精确的结果,并且将卢廷格定理推广到了莫特绝缘子。



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