首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Neurophysiology >Microsaccade direction reflects the economic value of potential saccade goals and predicts saccade choice

Microsaccade direction reflects the economic value of potential saccade goals and predicts saccade choice


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Microsaccades are smallamplitude (typically <1 degrees), ballistic eye movements that occur when attempting to fixate gaze. Initially thought to be generated randomly, it has recently been established that microsaccades are influenced by sensory stimuli, attentional processes, and certain cognitive states. Whether decision processes influence microsaccades, however, is unknown. Here, we adapted two classic economic tasks to examine whether microsaccades reflect evolving saccade decisions. Volitional saccade choices of monkey and human subjects provided a measure of the subjective value of targets. Importantly, analyses occurred during a period of complete darkness to minimize the known influence of sensory and attentional processes on microsaccades. As the time of saccadic choice approached, microsaccade direction became the following: 1) biased toward targets as a function of their subjective value and 2) predictive of upcoming, voluntary choice. Our results indicate that microsaccade direction is influenced by and is a reliable tell of evolving saccade decisions. Our results are consistent with dynamic decision processes within the midbrain superior colliculus; that is, microsaccade direction is influenced by the transition of activity toward caudal saccade regions associated with high saccade value and/or future saccade choice.
机译:微扫视是小振幅(通常<1度),当试图注视注视时会发生弹道眼动。最初被认为是随机产生的,最近已确定微扫视受感觉刺激,注意过程和某些认知状态的影响。但是,决策过程是否影响微扫视尚不清楚。在这里,我们采用了两个经典的经济任务来检验微扫视是否反映了不断发展的扫视决策。猴子和人类受试者的自愿扫视选择提供了目标主观价值的度量。重要的是,分析是在完全黑暗的时期进行的,以最大程度地减少感觉和注意力过程对微扫视的已知影响。随着扫盲选择时间的临近,微扫视方向变成了:1)根据目标的主观价值偏向目标; 2)预测即将到来的自愿选择。我们的结果表明,微扫视方向受不断发展的扫视决策影响,并且可以可靠地反映出其变化。我们的结果与中脑上丘的动态决策过程一致。也就是说,微扫视方向受活动向与高扫视值和/或未来扫视选择相关的尾扫视区域的转变的影响。



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