
Exocytosis in non-neuronal cells


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Exocytosis is the process by which stored neurotransmitters and hormones are released via the fusion of secretory vesicles with the plasma membrane. It is a dynamic, rapid and spatially restricted process involving multiple steps including vesicle trafficking, tethering, docking, priming and fusion. For many years great steps have been undertaken in our understanding of how exocytosis occurs in different cell types, with significant focus being placed on synaptic release and neurotransmission. However, this process of exocytosis is an essential component of cell signalling throughout the body and underpins a diverse array of essential physiological pathways. Many similarities exist between different cell types with regard to key aspects of the exocytosis pathway, such as the need for Ca2+ to trigger it or the involvement of members of the N-ethyl maleimide-sensitive fusion protein attachment protein receptor protein families. However, it is also equally clear that non-neuronal cells have acquired highly specialized mechanisms to control the release of their own unique chemical messengers. This review will focus on several important non-neuronal cell types and discuss what we know about the mechanisms they use to control exocytosis and how their specialized output is relevant to the physiological role of each individual cell type. These include enteroendocrine cells, pancreatic beta cells, astrocytes, lactotrophs and cytotoxic T lymphocytes.
机译:胞吐作用是通过分泌性囊泡与质膜融合释放释放的神经递质和激素的过程。这是一个动态,快速且受空间限制的过程,涉及多个步骤,包括小泡运输,束缚,对接,启动和融合。多年来,我们在了解胞吐作用在不同细胞类型中如何发生方面已采取了许多步骤,并将重点放在突触释放和神经传递上。然而,胞吐过程是整个身体细胞信号转导的重要组成部分,并支撑了多种基本生理途径。就胞吐途径的关键方面而言,不同细胞类型之间存在许多相似之处,例如需要Ca2 +触发它或N-乙基马来酰亚胺敏感的融合蛋白附着蛋白受体蛋白家族成员的参与。但是,同样清楚的是,非神经元细胞已经获得了高度专门化的机制来控制其自身独特的化学信使的释放。本文将重点讨论几种重要的非神经元细胞类型,并讨论我们对它们用于控制胞吐作用的机制的了解,以及它们的专门输出如何与每种细胞类型的生理作用相关。这些包括肠内分泌细胞,胰岛β细胞,星形胶质细胞,乳养生物和细胞毒性T淋巴细胞。



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