首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Molecular Biology >Common interruptions in the repeating tripeptide sequence of non-fibrillar collagens: Sequence analysis and structural studies on triple-helix peptide models

Common interruptions in the repeating tripeptide sequence of non-fibrillar collagens: Sequence analysis and structural studies on triple-helix peptide models


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Interruptions in the repeating (Gly-X1-X2)(n) amino acid sequence pattern are found in the triple-helix domains of all non-fibrillar collagens, and perturbations to the triple-helix at such sites are likely to play a role in collagen higher-order structure and function. This study defines the sequence features and structural consequences of the most common interruption, where one residue is missing from the tripeptide pattern, Gly-X1-X2-Gly-AA(1)-Gly-X1-X2, designated G1G interruptions. Residues found within GIG interruptions are predominantly hydrophobic (70%), followed by a significant amount of charged residues (16%), and the Gly-X1-X2 triplets flanking the interruption are atypical. Studies on peptide models indicate the degree of destabilization is much greater when Pro is in the interruption, GP, than when hydrophobic residues (GF, GY) are present, and a rigid Gly-Pro-Hyp tripeptide adjacent to the interruption leads to greater destabilization than a flexible Gly-Ala-Ala sequence. Modeling based on NMR data indicates the Phe residue within a GF interruption is located on the outside of the triple helix. The G1G interruptions resemble a previously studied collagen interruption GPOGAAVMGPO, designated G4G-type, in that both are destabilizing, but allow continuation of rod-like triple helices and maintenance of the single residue stagger throughout the imperfection, with a loss of axial register of the superhelix on both sides. Both kinds of interruptions result in a highly localized perturbation in hydrogen bonding and dihedral angles, but the hydrophobic residue of a G4G interruption packs near the central axis of the superhelix, while the hydrophobic residue of a G1G interruption is located on the triple-helix surface. The different structural consequences of G1G and G4G interruptions in the repeating tripeptide sequence pattern suggest a physical basis for their differential susceptibility to matrix metalloproteinases in type X collagen. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:在所有非原纤维胶原蛋白的三螺旋结构域中发现了重复的(Gly-X1-X2)(n)氨基酸序列模式的中断,并且在此类位置上对三螺旋的扰动很可能在胶原蛋白的高级结构和功能。这项研究定义了最常见的中断的序列特征和结构后果,其中三肽模式Gly-X1-X2-Gly-AA(1)-Gly-X1-X2缺失一个残基,称为G1G中断。在GIG中断中发现的残基主要是疏水性的(70%),其次是大量带电残基(16%),位于中断两侧的Gly-X1-X2三联体是非典型的。对肽模型的研究表明,在Pro处于中断状态GP时,去稳定程度要比存在疏水残基(GF,GY)时大得多,并且与中断相邻的刚性Gly-Pro-Hyp三肽导致更大的去稳定作用而不是灵活的Gly-Ala-Ala序列。基于NMR数据的建模表明GF中断内的Phe残基位于三重螺旋的外部。 G1G中断类似于先前研究的胶原中断GPOGAAVMGPO,命名为G4G型,两者均不稳定,但允许棒状三重螺旋的延续并在整个缺陷中维持单个残基错开,从而失去了轴向配准两侧都有超螺旋。两种中断都导致氢键和二面角的高度局部扰动,但G4G中断的疏水残基堆积在超螺旋的中心轴附近,而G1G中断的疏水残基位于三螺旋表面上。在重复的三肽序列模式中G1G和G4G中断的不同结构后果表明,它们对X型胶原的基质金属蛋白酶有不同的敏感性。 (C)2007 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。



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