首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Materials Science >Scaling down of organic thin film transistors: short channel effects and channel length-dependent field effect mobility

Scaling down of organic thin film transistors: short channel effects and channel length-dependent field effect mobility


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Organic thin film transistors with P3HT (poly3-hexylthiophene) as active semiconducting layer, channel lengths from 0.3 to 20 μm, and gate oxide thicknesses from 15 to 170 nm have been successfully fabricated on Si substrates. The measurement results show that the channel length over oxide thickness ratio should be large enough (i.e., the vertical electric field should be at least 10 times higher than the lateral electric filed) in order to suppress the short channel effects of transistors. The field effect mobility of long channel devices (L > 5 μm) is about an order of magnitude larger than small channel devices (L from 0.3 to 2.5 μm), which could be attributed to the more severe contact resistance effects between organic materials and metal contacts for devices with smaller dimensions.
机译:以P3HT(聚3-己基噻吩)为有源半导体层,沟道长度从0.3到20μm,栅氧化层厚度从15到170 nm的有机薄膜晶体管已经成功地制作在Si衬底上。测量结果表明,沟道长度与氧化物厚度之比应足够大(即,垂直电场应至少比横向电场高10倍),以便抑制晶体管的短沟道效应。长通道器件(L> 5μm)的场效应迁移率比小通道器件(L从0.3到2.5μm)大约一个数量级,这可能归因于有机材料与金属之间更严重的接触电阻效应尺寸较小的设备的触点。



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