首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry >Purification, Cloning, and Immunological Characterization of Arginine Kinase, a Novel Allergen of Octopus fangsiao

Purification, Cloning, and Immunological Characterization of Arginine Kinase, a Novel Allergen of Octopus fangsiao


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Arginine kinase (AK) is an important enzyme participating in energy metabolism in invertebrates, but, to date, there have been no reports that AK from octopus is an allergen. In this study, octopus AK was purified, and its molecular biological, immunological, and physicochemical characterizations were analyzed. The results showed that octopus AK was purified and confirmed by mass spectrometry for the first time, and its molecular mass was 38 kDa. The full-length gene sequence of octopus AK encompassed 1209 bp and was predicted to encode a protein with 348 amino acid residues. The homology of octopus AK and crustacean AK was about 54%, but the similarity between their three-dimensional structures was high. Octopus AK could react with mouse anti-shrimp AK and rabbit anti-crab AK polyclonal antibody singly. Octopus AK could also react with specific IgE of the sera from octopus-allergic patients effectively, whereas crab AK could inhibit the reaction between them. Finally, the IgE-binding activity of octopus AK could he reduced in the processes of thermal or acid-alkali treatment. In summary, AK was identified as a novel allergen in octopus, which had a sensitizing ability similar to that of crustacean AK. This is significant in allergy diagnosis and the treatment of octopus-allergic disorders.
机译:精氨酸激酶(AK)是一种参与无脊椎动物能量代谢的重要酶,但是迄今为止,尚未有报道说章鱼的AK是一种过敏原。在这项研究中,章鱼AK进行了纯化,并对其分子生物学,免疫学和理化特性进行了分析。结果表明,章鱼AK为首次纯化并通过质谱证实,其分子量为38 kDa。章鱼AK的全长基因序列涵盖1209 bp,预计可编码具有348个氨基酸残基的蛋白质。章鱼AK和甲壳动物AK的同源性约为54%,但它们的三维结构之间的相似性很高。章鱼AK可以与小鼠抗虾AK和兔抗蟹AK多克隆抗体单独反应。章鱼AK还可以与章鱼过敏患者的血清特异性IgE反应,而螃蟹AK可以抑制它们之间的反应。最后,章鱼AK的IgE结合活性可能在热或酸碱处理过程中降低。总之,AK被鉴定为章鱼中的一种新型过敏原,其敏感性与甲壳动物AK相似。这在过敏诊断和章鱼过敏性疾病的治疗中具有重要意义。



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