首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry >Bioavailability of Anthocyanins and Ellagitannins Following Consumption of Raspberries by Healthy Humans and Subjects with an Ileostomy

Bioavailability of Anthocyanins and Ellagitannins Following Consumption of Raspberries by Healthy Humans and Subjects with an Ileostomy


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The fate of anthocyanins, ellagic acid, and ellagitannins was studied following the consumption of 300 g of raspberries by healthy human volunteers and subjects with an ileostomy. Postingestion plasma and urine from the former and ileal fluid and urine from the latter group were collected and analyzed by HPLC-PDA-MS~2. Plasma from the healthy volunteers did not contain detectable quantities of either the native raspberry polyphenolics or their metabolites. The three main raspberry anthocyanins were excreted in urine in both healthy and ileostomy volunteers 0-7 h after ingestion, in quantities corresponding to <0.1% of intake. This indicates a low level of absorption in the small intestine. With ileostomy volunteers 40% of anthocyanins and 23% of the ellagitannin sanguiin H-6 were recovered in ileal fluid with the main excretion period being the first 4 h after raspberry consumption. The recovery of ellagic acid in ileal fluid was 241%, indicating hydrolysis of ellagitannins in the stomach and/or the small intestine. Urinary excretion of ellagic acid and an ellagic acid-Oglucuronide was <1% of intake. No intact or conjugated forms of ellagitannins were detected in urine from either healthy subjects or ileostomy volunteers. However, in healthy subjects, but not the ileostomists, ellagitannins were catabolized with the appearance of urolithin A-O-glucuronide, two of its isomers, and urolithin B-Oglucuronide in urine collected 7-48 h after raspberry consumption. There was marked variation in the urolithin profile of individual volunteers, indicating differences in the colonic microflora responsible for ellagitannin degradation.
机译:健康的人类志愿者和回肠造口术受试者食用300 g覆盆子后,研究了花色苷,鞣花酸和鞣花单宁的命运。收集前者的血浆和尿液以及后组的回肠液和尿液,并用HPLC-PDA-MS〜2进行分析。健康志愿者的血浆中没有可检测量的天然覆盆子多酚或其代谢产物。摄入后0-7小时,健康和回肠造口术志愿者的尿液中排出了三种主要的覆盆子花色苷,含量相当于摄入量的<0.1%。这表明小肠吸收水平低。回肠造口术志愿者从回肠液中回收了40%的花色苷和23%的鞣花单宁血红素H-6,主要排泄期是在食用树莓后的前4小时。回肠液中鞣花酸的回收率为241%,表明鞣花单宁在胃和/或小肠中的水解。鞣花酸和鞣花酸-葡萄糖醛酸的尿排泄量小于摄入量的1%。在健康受试者或回肠造口术志愿者的尿液中均未检测到完整的或缀合形式的鞣花单宁。然而,在健康受试者中,而不是在造口术专家中,ellagitannins会因覆盆子摄入后7-48小时尿液中尿石素A-O-葡糖醛酸,其两个异构体和尿石素B-葡糖醛酸的出现而分解代谢。各个志愿者的尿石素谱存在显着差异,表明负责鞣花单宁降解的结肠微生物区系存在差异。



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