首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry >Distribution and Excretion of Bilberry Anthocyanines in Mice

Distribution and Excretion of Bilberry Anthocyanines in Mice


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The physiology and tissue distribution of bilberry anthocyanins were studied in mice. After oral administration of bilberry extract (100 mg/kg body weight), both unmodified and methylated anthocyanins appeared in the plasma. The plasma concentration of total anthocyanins reached a maximum of 1.18 ± 0.3 μM after 15 min and then sharply decreased. Their urinary excretion was highest between 0 and 6 h after administration and had ceased by 24 h. The total quantities of bilberry anthocyanins excreted into urine represented 1.88% (range, 0.62% to 2.45%) of consumed anthocyanins. Thirteen anthocyanins were identified in bilberry extracts. Of these, malvidin-3-glucoside and -3-galactoside were the principal anthocyanins in the plasma 60 min after administration. When mice were maintained for 2 weeks on a diet containing 0.5% of bilberry extracts, the plasma concentration of anthocyanins reached a maximum of 0.26μM. Anthocyanins were detected only in the liver, kidney, testes, and lung, with maximum tissue concentrations of 605, 207,149, and 116 pmol/g, respectively. In these organs, malvidin-3-glucoside and -3-galactoside were the predominant anthocyanins. Anthocyanins were not detectable in the spleen, thymus, heart, muscle, brain, white fat, or eyes. We conclude that bilberry anthocyanins were absorbed into the body and distributed in specific organs, particularly the liver, kidney, and testis. The most common anthocyanins in tissues were malvidin glycosides.
机译:研究了越橘花色苷的生理和组织分布。口服越桔提取物(100 mg / kg体重)后,血浆中同时出现未修饰的和甲基化的花色苷。 15分钟后,总花色苷的血浆浓度达到最大1.18±0.3μM,然后急剧下降。用药后0至6小时尿排泄量最高,至24小时停止。排泄到尿液中的越橘花色苷总量占消耗的花色苷的1.88%(范围为0.62%至2.45%)。越桔提取物中鉴定出十三种花青素。其中,malvidin-3-glucoside和-3-galactoside是给药后60分钟血浆中的主要花色苷。当小鼠在含0.5%越桔提取物的饮食中维持2周时,花色苷的血浆浓度最高达到0.26μM。仅在肝脏,肾脏,睾丸和肺中检测到花青素,最大组织浓度分别为605、207,149和116 pmol / g。在这些器官中,主要的花青素是麦维京-3-葡萄糖苷和-3-半乳糖苷。在脾脏,胸腺,心脏,肌肉,大脑,白色脂肪或眼睛中未检出花青素。我们得出的结论是,越桔花青素被人体吸收并分布在特定器官中,尤其是肝脏,肾脏和睾丸。组织中最常见的花青素是麦维汀糖苷。



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