首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry >Orally administered crocetin and crocins are absorbed into blood plasma as crocetin and its glucuronide conjugates in mice

Orally administered crocetin and crocins are absorbed into blood plasma as crocetin and its glucuronide conjugates in mice


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A series of crocetin glycosides (crocins) are the main pigment of the stigmas of saffron (Crocus sativus L.) and the fruits of gardenia (Gardenia jasminoides Ellis). Although numerous studies have demonstrated that crocetin and crocins have a variety of biological functions, the metabolism of dietary crocetin and crocins remains unknown. In the present study, we investigated the intestinal absorption of orally administered crocetin and crocins in mice. Orally administered crocetin was rapidly absorbed into the blood circulation and was present in plasma as an intact free form and as glucuronide conjugates (crocetin-monoglucuronicle and -diglucuronide). Crocetin and its glucuronide conjugates were also found in crocins-administered mouse plasma, whereas intact crocins (glycoside forms) were not detected. These results indicate that orally administered crocins are hydrolyzed to crocetin before or during intestinal absorption, and absorbed crocetin is partly metabolized to mono- and diglucuronicle conjugates.
机译:藏红花(Crocus sativus L.)的柱头和of子(Gardenia jasminoides Ellis)的柱头的主要色素是一系列的藏红花糖苷(crocins)。尽管大量研究表明,大黄素和番红花具有多种生物学功能,但饮食中大黄素和番红花的代谢仍然未知。在本研究中,我们调查了口服给予的藏红花素和藏红花素在小鼠中的肠道吸收。口服的番红花青素迅速吸收到血液循环中,并以完整的游离形式和葡糖醛酸苷结合物(番红花素-单葡糖醛酸和-地葡糖醛酸)形式存在于血浆中。在用藏红霉素给药的小鼠血浆中也发现了藏红花素及其葡糖醛酸结合物,而未检测到完整的藏红花素(糖苷形式)。这些结果表明,口服施用的crocros在肠道吸收之前或期间被水解为crocetin,吸收的crocetin被部分代谢为单葡萄糖醛酸和二葡萄糖醛酸结合物。



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