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Restoring science to the national children's study


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THE UNHAPPY STATE OF THE NATIONAL CHILDREN'S Study (NCS) has been described in several recent publications. Authorized by Congress in 2000, but not fully funded until 2007, this ambitious National Institutes of Health (NIH) study has consumed years of planning efforts, produced many reports and white papers, and spent close to a billion dollars. Yet, in 2013, the study is still in its pilot phase. The original design, proposed in 2004, was to enroll 100 000 pregnant women in a nationally representative sample of 105 communities. But in 2011, the NIH announced that sample size would be increased to "up to 250 000 women, and in 2012 added that the NCS would use "healthcare provider networks as the primary sources for recruitment and that the "enrolled population would no longer be a national pro-ability sample. Later in 2012, the NIH had second thoughts and reverted to 100 000 participants, but now at least half would be recruited at birth, not in pregnancy, and from a sampling frame of hospitals, not counties.
机译:最近的几篇出版物中都描述了全国儿童研究的不愉快状态。这项雄心勃勃的美国国立卫生研究院(NIH)研究于2000年获得国会授权,但直到2007年才获得完全资助,这花费了多年的规划工作,制作了许多报告和白皮书,花费了近10亿美元。然而,在2013年,这项研究仍处于试验阶段。 2004年提出的最初设计是要在105个社区的全国代表性样本中招募10万名孕妇。但是在2011年,美国国立卫生研究院(NIH)宣布将样本数量增加至“最多25万名妇女,并在2012年补充说,NCS将使用”医疗服务提供者网络”作为招募的主要来源,并且“招募人口将不再是2012年下半年,美国国立卫生研究院重新考虑并重新邀请了10万名参与者,但现在至少有一半人将在出生时而非怀孕时从医院而非县的抽样机构中招募。



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