首页> 外文期刊>JAMA: the Journal of the American Medical Association >Mortality risk among middle-aged women with first atrial fibrillation.

Mortality risk among middle-aged women with first atrial fibrillation.


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Why was the mortality risk greater once AF was identified? Conen et al suggest that the increased risk was at least partly mediated through nonfatal cardiovascular events such as congestive heart failure and stroke, as has been reported by others.6-7 Conen et al also observed an association between incident AF and myocardial infarction,1 which was thought to also contribute to an increased mortality risk among these women. This observation is consistent with results of the Olmsted County AF study, in which a strong relationship between incident AF and subsequent coronary events was observed,8 and extends the evidence of this relationship to younger women. In the Olmsted County study, incident AF was associated with substantially higher risk of coronary events in women than that predicted by the Framingham risk score, with the excess mortality risk significantly greater among women than men.
机译:一旦确定了房颤,为什么死亡风险更大? Conen等人认为,增加的风险至少部分是由非致命性心血管事件(如充血性心力衰竭和中风)所介导的,正如其他人所报道的[6-7]。据认为,这也增加了这些妇女的死亡风险。这一观察结果与Olmsted County AF研究的结果一致,在该研究中观察到了房颤事件与随后的冠状动脉事件之间的密切关系8,并将这种关系的证据扩展到了年轻女性。在奥尔姆斯特德县(Olmsted County)的研究中,女性发生房颤与冠状动脉事件的风险显着高于弗雷明汉(Framingham)风险评分所预测的风险,女性的过度死亡风险明显高于男性。



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