首页> 外文期刊>JAMA: the Journal of the American Medical Association >Sudden death in young competitive athletes. Clinical, demographic, and pathological profiles.

Sudden death in young competitive athletes. Clinical, demographic, and pathological profiles.


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OBJECTIVE: To develop clinical, demographic, and pathological profiles of young competitive athletes who died suddenly. DESIGN: Systematic evaluation of clinical information and circumstances associated with sudden deaths; interviews with family members, witnesses, and coaches; and analyses of postmortem anatomic, microscopic, and toxicologic data. PARTICIPANTS AND SETTING: A total of 158 sudden deaths that occurred in trained athletes throughout the United States from 1985 through 1995 were analyzed. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Characteristics and probable cause of death. RESULTS: Of 158 sudden deaths among athletes, 24 (15%) were explained by noncardiovascular causes. Among the 134 athletes who had cardiovascular causes of sudden death, the median age was 17 years (range, 12-40 years), 120 (90%) were male, 70 (52%) were white, and 59 (44%) were black. The most common competitive sports involved were basketball (47 cases) and football (45 cases), together accounting for 68% of sudden deaths. A total of 121athletes (90%) collapsed during or immediately after a training session (78 cases) or a formal athletic contest (43 cases), with 80 deaths (63%) occurring between 3 PM and 9 PM. The most common structural cardiovascular diseases identified at autopsy as the primary cause of death were hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (48 athletes [36%]), which was disproportionately prevalent in black athletes compared with white athletes (48% vs 26% of deaths; P = .01), and malformations involving anomalous coronary artery origin (17 athletes [13%]). Of 115 athletes who had a standard preparticipation medical evaluation, only 4 (3%) were suspected of having cardiovascular disease, and the cardiovascular abnormality responsible for sudden death was correctly identified in only 1 athlete (0.9%). CONCLUSIONS: Sudden death in young competitive athletes usually is precipitated by physical activity and may be due to a heterogeneous spectrum of cardiovascular disease, most commonly hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Preparticipation screeningappeared to be of limited value in identification of underlying cardiovascular abnormalities.
机译:目的:研究突然死亡的年轻竞技运动员的临床,人口统计学和病理学特征。设计:对与猝死有关的临床信息和情况进行系统评估;与家人,证人和教练的访谈;以及对尸体解剖,显微镜和毒理学数据的分析。参与者与环境:分析了从1985年至1995年在美国受过训练的运动员中总共发生的158起猝死事件。主要观察指标-特征和可能的死亡原因。结果:在158名运动员中突然死亡,其中24名(15%)由非心血管原因引起。在134位因心血管原因导致猝死的运动员中,中位年龄为17岁(范围12-40岁),其中男性120位(90%),白人70位(52%),59岁(44%)。黑色。涉及的最常见的竞技运动是篮球(47例)和足球(45例),占突然死亡的68%。总计121位运动员(90%)在训练课程(78例)或正式运动竞赛(43例)期间或之后崩溃,其中80例死亡(63%)在下午3点至晚上9点之间死亡。尸检中最常见的结构性心血管疾病是主要的死亡原因是肥厚性心肌病(48名运动员[36%]),与白人运动员相比,黑人运动员患病比例不成比例(死亡的48%比26%; P =)。 01)以及涉及异常冠状动脉起源的畸形(17名运动员[13%])。在115名接受标准参与前医学评估的运动员中,只有4名(3%)被怀疑患有心血管疾病,而只有1名运动员(0.9%)正确识别出导致猝死的心血管异常。结论:年轻竞技运动员的猝死通常是由于体育活动引起的,并且可能是由于心血管疾病的频谱不均一引起的,而最常见的是肥厚型心肌病。参与前筛查似乎在识别潜在的心血管异常方面价值有限。



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