首页> 外文期刊>The Lancet >State humanitarian verticalism versus universal health coverage: a century of French international health assistance revisited

State humanitarian verticalism versus universal health coverage: a century of French international health assistance revisited


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The French contribution to global public health over the past two centuries has been marked by a fundamental tension between two approaches: State-provided universal free health care and what we propose to call State humanitarian verticalism. Both approaches have historical roots in French colonialism and have led to successes and failures that continue until the present day. In this paper, the second in The Lancet's Series on France, we look at how this tension has evolved. During the French colonial period (1890s to 1950s), the Indigenous Medical Assistance structure was supposed to bring metropolitan France's model of universal and free public health care to the colonies, and French State imperial humanitarianism crystallised in vertical programmes inspired by Louis Pasteur, while vying with early private humanitarian activism in health represented by Albert Schweitzer. From decolonisation to the end of the Cold War (1960-99), French assistance to newly independent states was affected by sans frontierisme, Health for All, and the AIDS pandemic. Since 2000, France has had an active role in development of global health initiatives and favoured multilateral action for health assistance. Today, with adoption of the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals and the challenges of non-communicable diseases, economic inequality, and climate change, French international health assistance needs new direction. In the context of current debate over global health as a universal goal, understanding and acknowledging France's history could help strengthen advocacy in favour of universal health coverage and contribute to advancing global equity through income redistribution, from healthy populations to people who are sick and from wealthy individuals to those who are poor.
机译:在过去的两个世纪中,法国对全球公共卫生的贡献主要体现在两种方法之间的根本紧张关系:国家提供的全民免费医疗以及我们提议的国家人道主义纵向主义。这两种方法都源于法国殖民主义的历史根源,并导致成功和失败一直持续到今天。本文是《柳叶刀》杂志法国系列的第二篇,我们将探讨这种紧张关系是如何演变的。在法国殖民时期(1890年代至1950年代),原住民医疗救助结构应为殖民地带来法国大都市的全民免费医疗模式,法国国家帝国人道主义在路易斯·巴斯德(Louis Pasteur)的启发下在垂直计划中得以结晶以阿尔伯特·史威哲(Albert Schweitzer)为代表的早期私人人道主义保健运动。从非殖民化到冷战结束(1960-99年),法国对新独立国家的援助受到无国界,全民健康和艾滋病大流行的影响。自2000年以来,法国在制定全球卫生倡议中发挥了积极作用,并主张采取多边行动以提供卫生援助。如今,随着《 2030年可持续发展目标》的通过以及非传染性疾病,经济不平等和气候变化的挑战,法国的国际卫生援助需要新的方向。在当前关于全球卫生作为普遍目标的辩论中,了解和承认法国的历史可以帮助加强倡导全民健康覆盖的主张,并通过收入重新分配,促进从健康人口到生病和富裕人群的全球公平发展穷人的个人。



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