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Health systems, health, and wealth: a European perspective.


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Countries from WHO's European region met in Tallinn, Estonia in June, 2008, to discuss a new way of thinking about health systems. For the past three decades, much of the debate on health care in Europe has been dominated by cost containment. Informed by detailed background analyses, a 2 year consultation process began by asking "what is a health system actually for?" The answer depends on who is asking the question. For some, a health system is a means of redistributing society's resources-from healthy to sick and from rich to poor. For others, it is for commercial opportunity like any other service sector. However, there is widespread consensus around the goals set out in the 2000 World Health Report.3 These aims are improving health, ensuring responsiveness to legitimate expectations, and ensuring fairness of financing.
机译:世卫组织欧洲区域国家于2008年6月在爱沙尼亚塔林举行会议,讨论有关卫生系统的新思路。在过去的三十年中,在欧洲,有关医疗保健的许多争论都围绕着成本控制。在进行了详细的背景分析后,进行了为期2年的咨询过程,首先询问“医疗系统的实际用途是什么?”。答案取决于谁在问这个问题。对某些人来说,卫生系统是一种重新分配社会资源的方法,从健康到生病,从富人到穷人。对于其他人来说,这是与其他服务部门一样的商业机会。但是,围绕《 2000年世界卫生报告》 3中设定的目标达成了广泛共识。这些目标是改善健康状况,确保对合理期望的响应以及确保筹资的公平性。



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