首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Urology >Occupational exposure to herbs containing aristolochic acids increases the risk of urothelial carcinoma in Chinese herbalists

Occupational exposure to herbs containing aristolochic acids increases the risk of urothelial carcinoma in Chinese herbalists


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Purpose: Aristolochic acid can cause urothelial carcinoma. Herbal remedies containing aristolochic acids were previously categorized as proven group 1 human carcinogens by the WHO cancer agency, the International Agency for Research on Cancer. However, the health effect on workers exposed to aristolochic acid is unclear. Fangchi, a representative herb containing aristolochic acid, is commonly used in the Chinese herbal medicine industry. We determined whether workers exposed to fangchi are at increased risk for urothelial carcinoma. Materials and Methods: We designed a case-control study based in a national representative cohort of Chinese herbalists. This study analyzed 6,564 Chinese herbalists employed between 1985 and 1998. All incident cases of urothelial carcinoma that occurred between 1988 and 2001 were defined as the case group. Controls were selected from the baseline cohort in a randomized manner. A total of 24 cases and 140 controls were included in analysis. Information about fangchi exposure was obtained in a questionnaire survey administered in 2002. Results: Processing, selling or dispensing herbs containing fangchi significantly increased the risk of urothelial carcinoma (HR 2.4, 95% CI 1.1-5.3, p = 0.03). This relationship was independent of cigarette smoking or potential arsenic exposure from drinking water from deep wells. Conclusions: Exposure to the Chinese herbal drug fangchi increases the risk of urothelial carcinoma in herbalists. Appropriate medical monitoring is warranted for workers who have similar exposure. ? 2013 American Urological Association Education and Research, Inc.
机译:目的:马兜铃酸可引起尿路上皮癌。世卫组织癌症机构国际癌症研究机构先前将含有马兜铃酸的草药归类为已证实的第一类人类致癌物。但是,对暴露于马兜铃酸的工人的健康影响尚不清楚。方剂是一种含有马兜铃酸的代表性草药,通常用于中草药行业。我们确定了接触房池的工人是否患尿路上皮癌的风险增加。资料和方法:我们设计了一个病例对照研究,该研究基于全国有代表性的中草药研究者群体。这项研究分析了1985年至1998年间雇用的6,564名中医。将1988年至2001年之间发生的所有尿路上皮癌事件病例定义为病例组。从基线队列中以随机方式选择对照。分析共包括24例和140例对照。在2002年进行的问卷调查中获得了有关牙暴露的信息。结果:加工,销售或分配含有牙的草药会显着增加尿路上皮癌的风险(HR 2.4,95%CI 1.1-5.3,p = 0.03)。这种关系与抽烟或深井饮用水中潜在的砷暴露无关。结论:接触中草药齿会增加中医师尿路上皮癌的风险。应当对有类似暴露的工人进行适当的医学监测。 ? 2013美国泌尿科协会教育与研究公司



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