首页> 外文期刊>The journal of physical chemistry, C. Nanomaterials and interfaces >Laser-Induced Fragmentative Decomposition of Fine CuO Powder in Acetone as Highly Productive Pathway to Cu and Cu2O Nanoparticles

Laser-Induced Fragmentative Decomposition of Fine CuO Powder in Acetone as Highly Productive Pathway to Cu and Cu2O Nanoparticles


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The 1064 nm nanosecond laser-induced fragmentative decomposition of fine CuO powder in acetone, at the laser fluence of typically ~1 J/cm~2, generated ~10 nm Cu nanoparticles (NPs) at the production rate, ~1 mg/min, for the input laser power of only ~0.5 W. This highly productive laser synthesis of CuNPs is also characterized by a large conversion yield (≥80%) from CuO powder to CuNPs, as achieved by sufficiently prolonged laser irradiation. They underwent rapid aerobic oxidation preferentially to Cu2O NPs, which are equally useful material for conductive pattern making. In whatever oxidation states, they also exhibited superior dispersivity in ketone solvents with neither intentional nor unintentional protective shell. The 1064 nm laser interaction of fine CuO powder is characterized by relatively small light absorption efficiency as compared to that in the visible region, which rather helps in preventing excess and/or nonuniform laser heating of each particle. Spectroscopic analysis of the laser-induced emission indicates that a temporal but very high temperature state, ~5000 K or more, can still occur easily, which then most likely relaxes by fragmentative decomposition directly into CuNPs.
机译:1064 nm纳秒的激光诱导的丙酮中的CuO细粉的碎片分解,激光通量通常为〜1 J / cm〜2,产生速率为〜1 mg / min的〜10 nm Cu纳米颗粒(NPs),对于仅约0.5 W的输入激光功率,这种高生产率的激光合成CuNPs的特征还在于,通过充分延长激光照射时间,可以将CuO粉末转化为CuNPs的转化率高(≥80%)。它们优先于Cu2O NPs进行快速好氧氧化,而Cu2O NPs同样适用于制作导电图案。在任何氧化态下,它们在酮溶剂中也显示出优异的分散性,既没有有意保护壳,也没有无意保护壳。与可见区域相比,细小的CuO粉末的1064 nm激光相互作用的特征在于吸光效率相对较低,这有助于防止每个粒子过度和/或不均匀地加热激光。激光诱导发射的光谱分析表明,仍很容易出现暂时但非常高的温度状态,约5000 K或更高,然后很可能通过片段分解直接分解为CuNPs而松弛。



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